After being interrupted by Mi Zhu, everyone didn't continue talking.

Only arrange for Guo Jia to be vigilant during this time.

Ten days have passed since the news. If the other party has any conspiracy, it should be time to do it now.

After everyone took orders, they left Chu Palace one by one.

Guo Jia did not return to his residence, but went straight to the Ting Wei Office.

Now, Guo Jia has already served as a Tingwei, one of the nine ministers, in charge of public security in Chang'an, and has the right to arrest and judge all suspicious persons.

He is also the first person under Liu Ke to hold an official position in the central government.

In fact, this was not appointed by Emperor Xian, but because when Chang'an was regained, the original Tingwei had followed Cao Cao and fled to Xiliang.

So there was no Ting Wei in Chang'an City at that time.

Even below Ting Wei, all official positions are running and dying.

Therefore, the huge Chang'an city was unexpectedly unmanaged, and many serious public security incidents occurred.

Seeing this, Guo Jia directly led the Ting Wei to manage Chang'an City, while Lu Meng led the Wei Wei to guard the Forbidden Palace.

After a month of continuous management by the two of them, Chang'an City finally returned to normal order.

Moreover, ever since Guo Jia took the post of Ting Wei, he has been living in the Ting Wei's office, busy day and night.

Even though a mansion was arranged for him, Guo Jia unconsciously came to the Tingwei Office.

Not long after he came back, someone rushed in anxiously.

"Master Tingwei, big news, big news!"

The man rushed in yelling, and instantly cheered Guo Jia up.

This person is a secret agent sent by Guo Jia, who is responsible for inquiring news in the market.

However, in the past, the news was delivered by letter, but this time it was so urgent.

Taking the risk of revealing his identity and rushing into the Tingwei Office, he must have very important information.

Sure enough, the person said that he saw a group of people with foreign accents at the hotel today.

Moreover, they seemed to be paying special attention to the current situation in Chang'an, and they even inquired about several officials.

After the dark thread heard it, they immediately became interested in them, and they were always eavesdropping.

However, those people were very tight-lipped and did not explain their intentions.

The dark line pursued persistently, and finally heard a few words from one of them.

It mentioned a few words of Zhongsan and Zishi.

It can be seen from the dark line that those people are all rangers, and it is absolutely extraordinary to say such words.

He originally wanted to transcribe it and send it to the Tingwei Office through special channels.

But I was worried that the other party would do something at midnight, so I could only rush to report face to face.

"You have done a very good job. If you succeed in catching the spies, I will definitely report to the King of Chu and give you the first credit!"

When I heard the dark line, I was very excited and thanked you again and again.

After he left, Guo Jia was the only one left in the government office.

And he kept chanting two sentences in his mouth.

"Zhongsan, Zishi, Zhongsan, Zishi!"

Suddenly, Guo Jia's eyes lit up, and he finally understood the meaning.

"Come on!"

Following Guo Jia's order, a soldier walked in from the door.

"Hurry up and take people to the residence of Zhongsan doctor Du Kuan."

"Yes, my lord!" The soldier took the order and immediately turned to leave.

At this time, Guo Jia suddenly stopped him again.

"Slow! You can't be so open and aboveboard. You lead a hundred people, and all of them put on the clothes of ordinary people.

Ambushes near Du Kuan's residence, and act after hearing movement from inside. "

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Du Kuan came from Jingzhao Du's family, but the status of his birth was not high, it was only a collateral line.

But this is enough for him to hold a position in the court.

Du Kuan has been serving as a doctor of Zhongsan since the promotion of Xiaolian three years ago.

If it was the past, this position would be considered a fat job.

But now that even the emperor is a puppet, what kind of tricks can his little Guanglucheng have?

Now that the imperial court is weak, even the stipulated [-] Dendrobium monthly offerings are only [-] Dendrobiums.

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