So what else could he have?

Du Kuan wanted to find a fat job, but his family had no money to impress Li Cao, so he could only serve as this small official.

In this case, Du Kuan can only accept his fate.

Fortunately, Emperor Xian himself is a puppet, and the court meeting will not be held, so he can rest easy.

Just read and drink tea at home every day.

But the past few days have really busy him.

Somehow, Master Guang Luxun wanted to organize a grand meeting.

And I heard from him that there are still very important things at this Great Court Meeting.

So it must be prepared very grandly.

This is hard for the people below them.

Similar to Du Kuan, these subordinate officials have no experience at all and are completely laymen.

But the task was pressed down, and everyone dared not refuse to do it.

In the end, we could only solve this problem by inviting a retired man from Lantian County, Guang Lucheng from the Lingdi period, to guide us.

It's just that the preparations for the Great Court Meeting are very complicated, and it also involves the venue layout.

Because of Guang Luxun's request, although the name is called Dachaohui this time, it must be prepared according to the scale of the Sui Dynasty.

This also made the subordinates even more busy, and they finally returned to their residences after dark.

The only thing that relieved Du Kuan when he arrived was that the funds allocated for the preparation of the Great Court Meeting were sufficient.

In the past few days, he has secretly swallowed two or three gold coins by taking the opportunity of purchasing, which is already equivalent to half a year's salary.

So Du Kuan wished he could do this more often in the future.

That's why on the way home, Du Kuan didn't forget to drink a pot of wine and bought a chicken to go back for a drink.

As everyone knows, when Du Kuan turned the last alley, a pair of eyes were staring at him in the dark night.

After Du Kuan returned home, the figure suddenly moved and flashed into a yard not far away.

"Brother, it's him, that's right!"

"See clearly? Don't make a mistake!"

"That's right, it's him, with a mustache, protruding ears, and a mole on the corner of his mouth, exactly the same as the information we found."

"Okay! Everyone is ready, and we will start on time at the third watch as originally planned!"


Several men in the room immediately replied in unison.

However, considering that it would alarm outsiders, he kept his voice extremely low.

The leader was still worried, and told a person leaning against the door: "Wang Fang, find a taller building near here.

Watch out for me.If there is a change, blow the whistle immediately! "

"Here, I'll go now, brother!"

Saying that, the man named Wang Fang walked out quickly.

After arranging all this, the man in the head said: "Okay! Let's eat some meat and replenish some strength.

Do not drink alcohol. After the event is completed, there will be fine wine for everyone to drink. "

Everyone responded in unison again.

In an instant, the meat on the table was shared.

It's just that from the beginning to the end, no one said anything more, and those who didn't know thought that these people were dumb people.

In fact, these people are well-trained killers, who came here specifically to assassinate Du Kuan.

Although Du Kuan was married, he placed his wife and children in his hometown Duling in order to avoid disaster.

So only Du Kuan lives in this house.

He wanted to learn from others in raising concubines, but he gave up because of his lack of money.

So, at this moment, when Du Kuan was drinking wine and eating roast chicken, he had a sweet dream.

He dreams that he will have more opportunities to make money in the future, so that he can fulfill his dream of taking concubines as soon as possible.

In this way, a jug of wine was quickly drunk.

Then he didn't even take off his clothes, climbed into the bed with a drunken face and fell asleep soundly.

Du Kuan slept very soundly, and he really had a sweet dream.

I dreamed that I had taken in a beauty girl who was the best in Chang'an City, and would sing and sing with me every night.

It's just that the weather was not beautiful, a gust of cool wind blew by, and the creaking sound of the windows woke him up from his dream.

Du Kuan muttered a few words, turned over and wanted to continue reviewing, but the sound of the watch on the street made him completely sleepless.

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