So they quickly turned to block the stabbing spears.

When Du Kuan saw this group of soldiers, it was like seeing long-lost relatives.

After yelling "I'll die" with all my strength, the whole person also fainted to the ground due to excessive blood loss.

There is no need to say much about the following things. After the two assassins blocked the attack of the soldiers, they immediately turned around and retreated into the yard.

At this moment, the two of them were terrified.

Never imagined why the soldier suddenly appeared.

You must know that there are two other companions who are guarding the wind outside the wall.

During this period, no movement was heard at all.

Even the person who was assigned to the commanding heights by the boss didn't have any warning.

This fact is weird.

Thinking of these, a wave of panic struck in my heart instantly.

"Could it be that they've all..."

The two of them dare not continue to imagine what happened next, because the most important thing at this moment is to escape from this place as soon as possible.

However, when the two soldiers rescued Du Kuan and carried him away for treatment, more soldiers rushed into the yard.

The small courtyard was instantly overcrowded.

At this moment, the two were directly surrounded by a group of people.

A dozen cold spears pointed at them.

The most important thing is that the murderous aura exuded by these soldiers is chilling.

The two understood that they were not glamorous on the surface, but rolled down from the battlefield in real terms.

At this time, a person dressed slightly differently from the other soldiers walked in from the door.

As soon as the man entered the door, he said hoarsely: "Surrender, or die!"

Although there are not many words, it reveals that there is no doubt.

The cold eyes revealed chill.

The two of them don't have to doubt at all, as long as they say no, they will be surrounded and killed immediately.

Although the two assassins were outlaws, they lost their momentum in front of the soldiers who had passed the battlefield examination.

In just a few breaths, one of the assassins let go of his hand, the knife fell to the ground, and he fell to his knees.

"I am willing to surrender! I am willing to surrender!"

Seeing this, the other person was very anxious.

"Zhang Hu, are you going to betray Big Brother? I'll kill you first!"

As he spoke, he swung his knife and was about to slash at his companion.

However, at this moment, the soldiers are in front, so he is allowed to be presumptuous.

The uncle highlighted a word in a deep voice: "Kill!"

In an instant, four or five spears pierced out at the same time, piercing the man instantly.

As soon as the assassin's knife was raised, his whole body was powerless and limp on the ground.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When the soldier pulled out his spear, several streams of blood gushed out together.

One of them sprayed suddenly to the back of the neck of the man who was kneeling and begging for mercy.

I saw his whole body trembling violently, and he was even more frightened and kowtowed like garlic.

Then two soldiers stepped forward and lifted the man out of the yard.

The rest of the people also lined up immediately and left the place neatly, leaving only the soap-clothed prison guards to clean up the scene.

In the alley outside the door, there were two people bundled up in a pile.

Another person was lying on his back with an arrow stuck in his chest.

The assassin who surrendered saw that these people were his companions?

The two tied up were the watchers outside the wall before.

The remaining person lying on the ground was the person arranged by the boss to observe the movement from the commanding heights.

It turned out that the first person to be targeted was naturally to warn that person from a high place.

Although he was extremely careful, the other party had already ambushed and saw his movements clearly.

After turning over and entering the courtyard at this moment, a sharp arrow flew out suddenly, directly piercing the man's chest.

Without the vigilance of the people in high places, the two people outside the wall are easy to deal with.

They were leaning against the wall to listen to the movements in the courtyard, but they didn't expect that two civilian soldiers had already quietly touched behind them.

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