If it wasn't for keeping alive, that person might die without knowing what happened.

These two civilian sergeants are not simple, they have undergone special training.

He was supposed to clean up the local scouts in the army, so it was not easy to deal with the two thieves.

Therefore, the assassins in the courtyard didn't get any signal at all, and they were already surrounded by soldiers.

The scene in front of him instantly made the surrendered man completely accept his fate.

At this time, the uncle walked up to him and said coldly:

"Are there any accomplices?"

This person was still hesitating, but a soldier beside him said viciously: "Boss, this kid is dishonest, why don't you cut him off directly.

Anyway, we still have two alive! "

These words frightened the man enough, he quickly kowtowed and said: "Sir, tell the little ones everything, and the little ones say everything."

Afterwards, he vomited out the number and hiding places of the remaining accomplices.

In order to show his sincerity, he even added the characteristics and methods of those people.

Seeing this, the uncle finally nodded in satisfaction.

He ordered several soldiers to take all these people back to the Tingwei Office.

He took the rest of the people straight to the hiding place of others.

At this time, half an hour has passed since the third watch.

But the people sent out have not returned for a long time, and Guo Mao, who is waiting for an answer in the hiding place, is getting more and more impatient.

"Why don't you come back?"

He said to himself there, but the others were equally puzzled, and no one could tell why.

At this time, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

Guo Mao was shocked for a moment, listened carefully, and found that the knock on the door was short and long, which was the signal agreed in advance.

"I'm back!" Guo Mao finally let out a sigh of relief after hearing this.

The person sitting at the door immediately walked towards the door quickly.


"Nanzheng Fengmao."

The password was also matched, and the man opened the door immediately.

He even said in a slightly complaining tone: "Why did you come back, the boss is still waiting for you...you."

But he couldn't say the following words, because a sharp knife had already pierced his chest.

The murderer was none other than his companion, the assassin Zhang Hu who had already surrendered.

The eyes of the person who opened the door were full of disbelief.

It wasn't until he saw the soldier rushing out behind Zhang Hu that he finally understood the reason.

He wanted to inform the boss, but he could only make a "ho ho" sound when he opened his mouth.

Then the eyes finally lost their brilliance.

But until he was about to die, his hand was still holding on to Zhang Hu's sleeve.

It seems that he has to block the opponent for a moment for his elder brother.

Watching the companions who get along day and night die in his hands like this.

Zhang Hu couldn't bear it very much, but if he didn't kill the opponent, the soldiers behind him would kill him.

There was no time left for him to grieve. After cheating to open the courtyard door, the soldiers rushed in immediately.

Originally, Guo Mao was puzzled, why there was no reply for a long time when the other party opened the door.

When the movement was heard that day, more than a dozen heavily armed soldiers rushed in.

Seeing this scene, the only thought in Guo Mao's mind was: "It's over! It's exposed!"

He was about to turn around to take the knife immediately, and at the same time let out a long whistle to inform his subordinates.

But how big is the yard.

Before those people could react, they were rushed forward by the soldiers.

Even Guo Mao hasn't taken his saber yet.

The uncle walked in slowly from the door: "Surrender or die?"

The voice was still very cold.

Others seem to have been appointed, but how could Guo Mao surrender so easily.

He rushed up with his bare hands like this, and fought with the soldiers.

Not to mention that Guo Mao has amazing physical strength, and he still does not lose the wind under the siege of three or five soldiers.

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