You must know that these soldiers are all well-trained trap camps, and they can't take him down.

Guo Mao's performance, even the uncle couldn't help but shine.

He said again: "You are a hero, surrender now, I can save your life!"

"Don't think about it!"

How could Guo Mao do this, he still wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

However, when it wrestled into the yard, it was discovered in horror.

Soldiers lined up inside and outside the courtyard, even on the roof there were dozens of soldiers with bows and arrows aiming at him.

"You can't run away. For the sake of the lives of your brothers, it's better to surrender early!"

Bo Chang is also a person who cherishes talents.

He saw the other party's methods, and knew that if this person joined the army, his achievements in the future would not be lower than his own.

However, Guo Mao's heart is high and arrogant, how can he be the type to bow his head easily.

At this time, Bo Chang saw that his methods were extraordinary, even if he was besieged, two soldiers were knocked down by him.

Bo Chang was ready to fight, took off his saber, and walked into the ring with bare hands.

"Get out!"

Bo Chang let out a low shout, and the soldiers who had besieged Guo Mao immediately retreated to make room for the two of them.

"Ten moves! If I can't take you down, I'll let you go!"

The uncle said coldly, and Guo Mao immediately cast a provocative look, signaling the other party to come over.

"First move!"

When a clear drink came out, the boss had already rushed towards Guo Mao.


There was a heavy impact sound. Although Guo Mao crossed his arms to block the punch, he took a big step back in an instant.

Moreover, Guo Mao only felt that at this moment, his whole body seemed to be hit by a bull, and even breathing was a little difficult.

"Second move!"

Before Guo Mao stabilized his figure, Bo Chang had already attacked again.

It was still a simple straight punch, but it seemed to have overwhelming power, which made Guo Mao's pupils shrink slightly.

"Boom!" There was another loud noise, and Guo Mao took three big steps backwards, and didn't stop until his back was pressed against the wall.

This punch scared Guo Mao's subordinates quite a lot.

After all, they are very clear about the methods of the boss, and they have experienced it personally.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Guo Mao was pushed back to the wall by the uncle's fist, only to feel that the internal organs were overwhelmed, as if they had been displaced.

He hurriedly suppressed it with all his might, but suddenly felt sweetness in his mouth, and instantly spit out a big mouthful of blood, which stained the clothes on his chest red.

But after spitting out this mouthful of blood, the whole person also felt a little relieved.

However, he was deeply shocked by the uncle's strength.

In Nanzheng, Guo Mao, who is a knight, can be considered a hero.

Relying on his physical strength, he has earned a great reputation in the entire Hanzhong County.

At the very least, there is no opponent within a hundred miles, otherwise it would not have accepted so many followers.

He even once claimed to be comparable in strength to Liu Bei's second general Guan Zhang.

Who would have expected to meet such a formidable opponent as soon as they arrived in Chang'an City.

Moreover, this person is only the elder of a centurion, which already makes him powerless.

At this time, a voice interrupted Guo Mao's thoughts.

"There is a last resort, be careful!"

The reason why the uncle reminded him was also because he cherished his talent.

He is very clear about his own strength, if he really strikes with all his strength, he may be seriously injured.

The king of Chu was employing people, so he couldn't bear to waste such a good seedling.

However, this reminder made Guo Mao even more indignant, thinking that the other party underestimated him.

I saw him yelling in a deep voice, setting up a posture to meet the opponent's attack.

This is the last move that Bo Chang said.

He also attaches great importance to it in his heart.

After all, if this move still can't make the other party submit, then I have to fulfill my promise and let the other party go.

But the other party saw that he was the leader. If so, how could he turn over to Lord Ting Wei?

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