Therefore, this time he will also display the strength of his whole body.

This punch seemed to have the power to shatter stars and crack the sun. Before the punch arrived, the wind of the punch had already made Guo Mao unable to open his eyes.

Guo Mao didn't dare to underestimate him. He leaned his back against the courtyard wall and concentrated all his strength on his arms to block.


There was a loud noise like the impact of a comet, and Bo Chang's fist finally hit the opponent.

Although Guo Mao leaned against the courtyard wall, he did not stop his figure at all.

The earthen wall collapsed instantly under this punch, and Guo Mao was directly sent flying into the alley outside the wall.

Finally, it hit the ground heavily.

At this moment, Guo Mao felt that his whole body was falling apart, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

The uncle came slowly and looked down at Guo Mao.

"You, who are you?"

Guo Mao asked unwillingly, even if he lost, he still had to know who he lost to.

The elder gave him a cold look, knowing that if he didn't say anything, the other party might not be reconciled.

Finally, he revealed his identity.

"Hu Che'er, Chief of the Yangzhou Army under the King of Chu's account!"

"Hu Che'er! Good!"

When Guo Mao finished speaking this good word, he finally lost all strength and fainted to the ground.

"Bring everyone back to the Tingwei Office!"

After Hu Che'er finished speaking, he took the lead in striding out.

The soldiers behind him immediately lined up respectfully and returned.

At this moment, they looked at Hu Che'er with admiration in their eyes.

This is the charm of the strong.

In their hearts, even an uncle is already so powerful.

Then how invincible the king of Chu, who is as famous as the cloud, will be.

Even if I am a small soldier, I will surely be able to sweep the world under the leadership of King Chu and make great achievements.

It wasn't until noon on the second day that Guo Mao, who was seriously injured, slowly woke up.

Standing opposite him was a very gentle-looking Confucian scholar, and of course Hu Che'er who defeated him yesterday.

It turned out that Hu Che'er sent all the captured people to the Tingwei Office last night.

Many interrogators have already been prepared there.

But even though these people tried their best, they couldn't find out where Liu Beiji's stronghold in Chang'an was.

Because they are just Guo Mao's followers.

Although they came together, Guo Mao was the only one who went to the stronghold, and the others had no right to know.

Therefore, in the end, we can only ask the result after Guo Mao wakes up.

Seeing that Guo Mao opened his eyes, Hu Che'er immediately said to the man dressed as a Confucian scholar: "Master Tingwei, this person is Guo Mao, the leader of the bandits.

He was originally a hero of Nanzheng, but he was deceived by Fazheng, so he came all the way to Chang'an to assassinate him.

Fortunately, Du Kuan, a Zhongsan doctor who was stabbed last night, was rescued in time, and now his life is no longer in danger, so the other party's treachery did not succeed.

It is reported that Guo Mao assassinated Du Kuan because they believed that he belonged to Guang Luxun.

It is the organizer and executor of this great court meeting, and he will warn others by assassinating him.

The reason why they didn't choose the higher Guanglu Cheng or even Doctor Guanglu was because those people had high positions and heavy access control.

In the end, the target was set on Du Kuan who lived alone in Chang'an.

Fortunately, my lord was clever enough to see through the plot of the thieves in advance, and ordered me to wait here early, so that I finally caught them all. "

This remark was for Guo Jia, and it was also for Guo Mao.

The purpose is to let him know that his subordinates have already confessed everything that needs to be explained.

It would be useless if he continued to resist.

Sure enough, Guo Mao, who had just woken up, heard Hu Che'er's words.

The face was first shocked, then frustrated, and finally showed a trace of bitterness.

"Since you all know, why come to me again?"

Guo Mao's voice was a little hoarse, perhaps it was caused by Hu Che'er's punch earlier.

"Hehe, they are them, and you are you. Those people confessed to save their own lives.

Naturally, you confessed to save your own life. "

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