"Why do the defeated army talk about it. Since I have failed, why not die?"

Guo Mao still had a sense of arrogance and did not easily beg for surrender.

Guo Jia heard this, and suddenly shouted sharply: "Well, you are a self-proclaimed loyal Guo Mao. You don't spare your life, do you still want to watch your subordinates die for you?

Those people admire you, Guo Mao, for your chivalry, but you want to push them into the pit of fire? "

As soon as these words came out, Guo Mao was shocked instantly.

"You, what are you going to do to them?"

"According to the law of the Han Dynasty, the assassination of the imperial court officials, the master evil Ling Chi, the barbarian tribe, the servants were killed and abandoned the city, and the family members were exiled to the army.

Their fate has been determined, it depends on whether you can make up for it. "

Guo Mao immediately showed a painful expression on his face.

He was not afraid of death, but he never thought that he would involve so many people to die with him.

Moreover, the other party has thoroughly investigated his details, and I believe that those people will not escape punishment.

So Guo Mao is very embarrassed at the moment.

One side is a matter of loyalty, and the other side is a matter of righteousness.

No matter which side he chooses, he has to turn his back on the other, which is also a blow to his life's beliefs.

After Guo Jia said this, he didn't continue to persecute, but looked at the other party with confidence.

He is very confident in his words and believes that the other party can make the right decision.

I saw Guo Mao whispering in his mouth at the moment, his eyes were erratic, as if he was fighting a difficult struggle.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing Guo Mao's frowning and painful expression, he seemed to be fighting a difficult psychological struggle.

Guo Jia has already said what he should have said just now. He expected that the other party would definitely make the most correct choice, so he did not continue to press.

However, Hu Che'er at the side was a little anxious.

He was not afraid that the other party would not confess, but that such a difficult choice would greatly stimulate Guo Mao's spirit.

If it is serious, it will even destroy Guo Mao because he can't think about it.

Hu Che'er cherishes talent, and can't bear such a good seedling to become like this.

So, he finally spoke.

"Guo Mao, I thought you were a hero in vain, but I didn't expect you to be so ignorant."

For Hu Che'er, Guo Mao had already subdued him, so Guo Mao had to listen to his words.

But he still didn't understand the meaning of the other party's words, and looked at Hu Che'er suspiciously.

Seeing that the other party had a reaction, Hu Che'er began to explain.

"You, Guo Mao, pride yourself on being a chivalrous man and upholding justice, but you don't know what is great righteousness and what is small righteousness, that's why you are like this.

The righteous ones take the common people of the world as their own responsibility, be compassionate to the world, save the people from suffering, and save the building from falling.

Small righteous people, brotherly loyalty, the spirit of the rivers and lakes, don't know what to do, don't know what to do, only know how to be a chivalrous man, although they have a great reputation, they are despised by others.

Which is more important, please decide for yourself! "

Unexpectedly, Hu Che'er's words aroused Guo Mao's competitive spirit.

After all, he has always claimed to be chivalrous all his life, so he is not allowed to make irresponsible remarks.

"What kind of righteousness and small righteousness are you talking about, of course I know a thing or two.

But how can you guarantee that your side is righteous?And what I'm doing now is Xiaoyi? "

After hearing Guo Mao's words, Hu Che'er was not in a hurry, but showed a confident smile.

Even Guo Jia next to him couldn't help but look at Hu Che'er.

He didn't realize until now that this Hu Che'er is really a talent, why didn't he realize it before?

Hu Che'er understood that as long as the other party opened his mouth, he would have a way to refute him.

"It's no wonder you committed such a heinous crime, it turns out that you haven't distinguished the righteous from the small at all until now.

His Royal Highness the King of Chu, since the Yellow Turban was a disaster, Dongyang raised troops, conquered from east to west, conquered everything, won all battles, and recreated the peace of the Great Han Dynasty.

For today's You, Bing, Ji, Qing, Yan, Xu, Yu, Yang, Jiao, and Sili Xiaowei, ten states have been taken from the thirteen states in the world.

Since then, the people of these ten states have been spared from the war and live and work in peace and contentment. Isn't this the righteousness of the king of Chu? "

"The Uncle Liu Huang you mentioned also has the same qualities. He loves the people like a son, and his rule is also rich and peaceful. Why can't he be called righteous?"

Guo Mao couldn't help arguing with Hu Che'er. After all, he admired Liu Bei the most in his life, so he couldn't avoid a few words of defense.

"Hahahaha! Although Liu Bei has a reputation for benevolence and righteousness, he can't hide his ambitions. Now His Majesty is diligent in governing, and all officials serve his orders.

Instead, Liu Bei became the king of Hanzhong on his own, and he never went to Beijing for a pilgrimage. How can he be loyal?

What kind of benevolence is there to use a corner of the land to fight against the heavenly soldiers and put the people of Yizhou in dire straits?

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