I didn't come to stop it, but drove the tiger and devoured the wolf, so that Guo Jun was imprisoned, but he didn't send a soldier to help him. What's the point?

It is a pity that such an unfaithful and unrighteous person deceives Guo Jun into serving his life! "

What Hu Che'er said made Guo Mao speechless for an instant.

He still wanted to refute, but he opened his mouth for a long time and couldn't speak.

Because Guo Mao thought about it carefully, but found that the other party's words seemed to be reasonable, and he couldn't find a reason to refute.

Afterwards, he could only sigh.

"Oh! That's all, it turns out that I, Guo Mao, am a blind person who claims to be loyal but doesn't know loyalty at all.

Right now I have only one request, and that is to forgive my subordinates and family members.

They all followed me because of my name, Guo Mao, and they didn't know the reason behind it.

All the crimes can be borne by me alone! "

Hearing Guo Mao's words, Hu Che'er was very satisfied, thinking that he had read the right person.

If Guo Mao only knows how to beg for mercy for himself, and doesn't care about the life and death of his subordinates, it will make him despise him.

But this is not up to Hu Che'er to decide, he immediately looked at Guo Jia.

Upon hearing this, Guo Jia nodded lightly and said, "That depends on the value of your information.

The higher the value, the higher the conditions naturally obtained.

If you deliberately provided false information and let the other party go instead, then all of you will naturally be responsible for all the crimes. "

This time, Guo Mao didn't hesitate any longer, and finally revealed all the information about his connection with Liu Bei's stronghold last time.

Cao Cao on the side took the lead and recorded all Guo Mao's words.

Then it was brought to Guo Jia immediately.

Guo Jia looked at the content above, and said with satisfaction: "Okay. With this information, we will definitely be able to uproot it. Hu Che'er obey!"

"Subordinates are here!"

Hu Che'er responded immediately.

"I order you to lead the headquarters and fifty court officials to go straight to this place, and you must not escape one person!"

"Obey, I will do my best!"

After Hu Che'er took the order, he was about to go out, but was suddenly stopped by Guo Jia.

Seeing his puzzled face, Guo Jia said relaxedly: "Hu Che'er, you've done a good job.

After understanding this matter, I will be appointed as the King of Chu to commend your achievements.With your talent, it's a bit of a shame to be the boss.

There is a vacancy for Tingwei Cheng in my Tingwei Department, are you interested in coming? "

Hu Che'er was quite excited when he heard this.

You must know that he is only an uncle now, with a rank of three hundred stones, but Ting Weicheng is not only a Beijing official, but also ranks higher than a thousand stones.

It is equivalent to being promoted to five ranks. How can he refuse such a huge temptation.

Therefore, Hu Che'er immediately bowed gratefully.

"Master Tingwei supports and supports, and the subordinates will never forget it!"

Then Guo Jia waved his hand, and Hu Che'er went down immediately.

This time he was even more motivated and full of passion.

As for Guo Mao, he was taken to the cell again by the jailer.

But the jailers saw that Hu Che'er attached so much importance to him, and just now they heard that he was about to be their chief officer.

The jailers naturally didn't dare to be careless, and specially arranged a single room for Guo Mao to recuperate his injuries.

But it is said that Zuixiaolou in Chang'an Chengdong City is a well-known hotel.

Standing in Chang'an City has a history of [-] years, and the fine wine Yunxiao Niang is even more unforgettable.

It's just that outsiders don't know that as early as a few years ago, this place has become Liu Bei's stronghold in Chang'an City.

In the past, Liu Bei arranged people here to lurk under Cao Cao's nose and steal information.

Now Cao Cao has fled west, but the stronghold will not be cancelled.

It's just a sudden change, and the target is the king of Chu, Liu Ke.

At that time, the rumors of the Zen position at the Great Court Meeting were passed on from here and reached Liu Bei's ears.

When Guo Mao went to Beijing the day before yesterday, he was also the first to get in touch with them and get further plans for the trip.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The bosses of Zuixiaolou are still the same people as before.

It's just that in the depths of the building, there is a basement, which is Liu Bei's stronghold here.

On weekdays, these people do their own thing, and only after receiving a signal will they meet and discuss in the stronghold.

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