In this way, changing the soup without changing the medicine can be regarded as a seamless connection and a smooth transition.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In this way, the stronghold established by Liu Bei was removed under the joint efforts of Guo Jia and Hu Che'er.

In this way, only the strongholds established by Sun Ce and Cao Pi are left.

It wasn't because the other party could bear his temper, it was just because Guo Mao acted too fast that he became the target of public criticism.

On the night of Guo Mao's assassination, because he was in Zishi and Hu Che'er was in ambush first, there was not too much movement.

So not to mention Yang Xi from the same camp, Sun and Cao's strongholds also didn't get wind of it.

But what happened in Zuixiaolou yesterday happened at noon.

There were so many people, so the news was naturally unstoppable.

However, the Ting Wei Department announced to the outside world that it was only catching thieves.

But people with discerning eyes don't believe it. To catch a thief, you need to send out soldiers who are trapped in the camp.

In fact, this is why Guo Jia insisted on dragging Hu Che'er to the Tingwei Office.

The Ting Wei Department is an empty shell, and there are not enough officials.

Simple maintenance of law and order is insufficient, let alone hunting down spies.

That's why he had to mobilize manpower from the Yangzhou Army, so naturally he couldn't hide it from the quick-witted people.

But now that the Centuries, including Hu Che'er, have all been recruited, this problem has finally been solved.

Today, the centurions have all shed their armor and put on ordinary clothes.

On a whim, Liu Ke also designed a flying fish suit for them, embroidered with spring knives.

As soon as this set of clothes and equipment is put on, it instantly increases its vigor, giving people a sense of oppression even more than armor.

The most important point is that this suit is no longer as dazzling as the shining armor, and it will be more covert to handle the case in the future.

Liu Ke also gave these people a well-known name-Jinwei, Hu Che'er served as the commander, and was at the same level as Ting Weicheng, ranking more than a thousand stones.

During the period when Hu Che'er changed his costume and reorganized, the troops sent by Sun Ce also arrived in Chang'an.

These people are Huben personally selected by him from the army, and each one is highly skilled in martial arts.

There were not many people, only ten people, but Sun Ce believed that these ten people could create a storm in Chang'an and stop the opponent's progress.

It's just that Sun Ce didn't know that all this was the plan of King Liu Ke of Chu.

Ever since Guo Jia learned about Guo Mao's assassination of Du Kuan from the informant's information and successfully stopped it.

The importance he attaches to these eyeliners cannot be overemphasized.

Now, the entire city of Chang'an is covered with Guo Jia's eyeliner.

Except for some deep houses that were difficult to infiltrate due to the short-term takeover of Chang'an, there are people from Guo Jia in other places.

On this day, a group of fishermen carrying fish baskets walked into the south gate of Chang'an City, which attracted the attention of eyeliners.

Although these people dressed up as fishermen, they kept carefully observing the surroundings while entering the city.

Moreover, his style of behavior is different from that of ordinary fishermen. His waist is bulging, and he seems to have a weapon, which is really suspicious.

Therefore, these people immediately attracted attention.

Without them noticing, there were already many eyeliners lurking around.

Naturally, these people came from Jingzhou, and they disguised themselves as fishermen to hide their identities.

Unexpectedly, the camouflage ability is so poor that people can see through it at a glance.

They didn't know that they had been exposed at all, and they still unloaded the fish baskets according to the plan, and started selling them at the base of the city wall.

The eyeliners are very patient. When the other party sells fish, they stay here and continue to observe, waiting for the connector to arrive.

What's more, one of them had already run fast and reported to the Ting Wei Department immediately.

Guo Jia, who got the news this time, did not hesitate, and directly handed over the task to Hu Che'er.

Hu Che'er got the order, and immediately rushed there with his men who changed into flying fish suits.

Speaking of which, the fish sold by this group of people was really good, and people kept stopping to observe and bargain.

After a while, three or four baskets have been sold out.

At this moment, a person dressed as a scholar attracted the attention of the dark thread.

Speaking of which, such a person would never come to the market, and even picked fish himself without being afraid of the smell.

The dark thread immediately became suspicious and stared at him closely, and then a person came up and eavesdropped from the side.

Sure enough, he was guessed right, when the scholar was picking fish, he quietly chatted with one of the fishermen while others were not paying attention.

But what they said were all secret words, and outsiders couldn't understand the meaning of them at all.

However, just imagine, how can a scholar and a fisherman from other places have so many common languages?

So even though they were extremely careful, they still showed their feet.

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