The dark threads didn't need to bother to figure out what they were talking about. As long as they followed these two closely, they would be able to find valuable information.

So after the scholar picked the fish he was satisfied with, he paid the money and left the scene.

Immediately, a dark thread followed him, and followed him into the distance.

After the fishermen successfully connected, they stopped pretending.

Perfunctory for a moment, then leave here.

Unexpectedly, the ten people had just got up, and before they had walked a hundred meters, Hu Che'er had already led people to block their way.

"I am Hu Che'er from the Ting Wei Department, there are some things that need your Excellency to go!"

The other party's heart skipped a beat, but he pretended to be surprised and said: "Big, lord, the little ones are just fishermen from Hongnong.

I don't know where I bumped into my lord, I hope my lord will let me go! "

Other fishermen begged for mercy together, and it seemed that they were really serious.

However, Hu Che'er was originally from Nanyang Wancheng, so he was very sensitive to the accent of the people there.

These people said they were from Hongnong, but they spoke with the accent of Jiangxia County, so how could they fool Hu Che'er?

Hu Che'er snorted coldly: "Don't quibble, Jiangxia people, come with me obediently, lest you lose your life!"

When the other party heard it, he was actually seen through, and was shocked in his heart.

The fishermen immediately touched their waists, ready to fight to the death.

Seeing this, Hu Che'er understood that the other party would not give in easily, so when he gave an order, his subordinates immediately drew out their sabers and stood ready for battle.

The leading fisherman suddenly shouted, drew a dagger from his waist, and stabbed Hu Che'er.

Others also broke out at the same time, attacking the surrounding sergeants.

They were born in the army, and their moves are fatal attacks, going straight to the vital point.

But which of Hu Che'er's subordinates is not a brave person in the army, such attacks have long been commonplace.

On the battlefield, they were invincible and defeated the Jingzhou army several times.

In the street fighting, they did not give in too much. After a while, the Jingzhou army dressed as fishermen was defeated.

Seeing that his subordinates were either killed or captured, the leader was naturally very anxious.

They just entered Chang'an, and they ended up like this without making any achievements, how could they accept it in their hearts.

Therefore, the leader had the idea of ​​fleeing, planning to escape from this place first, and then secretly implement the arrangement of King Xiangyang.

It's just that he thought very well, but he ignored that it was impossible for the other party to let him go so easily.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The leader pretended to use all his strength to stab Hu Che'er in the chest, but when the opponent resisted, he turned to the side.Want to take the opportunity to escape the encirclement.

I wanted to make a false move, but unexpectedly, the experienced opponent didn't accept this trick at all.

Hu Che'er kept fighting together, forcing the opponent to have no chance of escape.

At this time, all the people under him had been controlled, leaving only the leader.

He never found a chance to escape, and finally ended up with the same fate of being captured.

After Hu Che'er settled the matter here, another message came from the dark thread.

The scholar they followed walked into a house in the south of the city and never came out again, presumably that was their hideout.

When Hu Che'er heard the words, his eyes lit up, and he was ready to lead the team over there.

At this time, one of the Jinwei found a secret letter from the leader's arms and handed it to Hu Che'er.

Hu Che'er saw that he did not arrest the wrong person. This person was officially the person Sun Ce of Jingzhou sent to Chang'an to make trouble.

As for this superstition, it is an assassination list drawn up by the Chang'an stronghold based on the current situation in the city.

Among them are not only Guang Luxun Xixi, Zongzheng Liu Ai, but also Taiwei Yang Biao, Sikong Zhao Wen, and Sizhi Weihuang.

Including this, there are a total of [-] assassination targets, almost including all the important officials under Emperor Xian.

Assassination of Xi Xi and Liu Ai is understandable, naturally because the two are the initiators and executors of the Dachaohui, and bear the brunt of it.

The next selection of Yang Biao, Zhao Wen, Wei Huang and others was because these people were veterans loyal to Emperor Xian.

Moreover, these three people are very famous, if something happens, it will definitely shock the world.

Hu Che'er looked at the letter in his hand and couldn't help admiring that Sun Ce was ruthless enough to deal with so many people at once.

Compared with them, Guo Mao, who chose to assassinate the little Zhongsan doctor, has become a good citizen who abides by the law.

So this also made Hu Che'er very happy.

If it weren't for the timely discovery, the assassination of any one of these people on the list would have caused more sensation than that of Du Kuan last time.

At the same time, the secret line sent out has surrounded the house, waiting for Hu Che'er to lead Jinwei to arrive.

Hu Che'er went straight to the house with intentional calculations and no intentions.

The person dressed as a scholar is Xiang Ping, the person in charge of Sun Ce staying here.

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