Cao Pi set up his stronghold in Zhang Xi's mansion.

On the one hand, using Zhang Xilai as a cover, on the other hand, his connections and strength can provide great help to the stronghold.

This is also the reason why Guo Jia searched the whole city but never found any traces of Cao Wei's stronghold.

So until now, Guo Jia finally knew after hearing about it from Xiang Ping.

After he returned to the Tingwei Office, he immediately summoned Hu Che'er and ordered the arrest.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, Hu Che'er hesitated instead.

"What? Does this person have any old relationship with you?" Guo Jia said coldly.

Hu Che'er immediately knelt down on one knee and explained.

"My lord, how can the little He De and Mr. Zhang be related.

Just considering that Zhang Xi used to be a guard, he already had a lot of soldiers in his hands.

Even if he is dismissed now, there must be a lot of private soldiers in the mansion.

In addition, he was originally Cao Wei's stronghold, so he must have been prepared.

Therefore, I am worried that those who only rely on our Tingwei will not be able to cope.

Going to the field to fight against low-ranking officials is not afraid. If you are afraid, you are afraid that the opponent will be out of reach.

In this way, it will be more difficult to find it later! "

After hearing Hu Che'er's explanation, Guo Jia eased his brows.

I have to admit that Hu Che'er's considerations are all reasonable.

On the other hand, Guo Jia was eager to complete the task these days and had to hand over some errands to the King of Chu, so he ignored some of the details.

However, this problem is difficult for Hu Che'er, but it is a piece of cake for Guo Jia.

Guo Jia said confidently: "Hmph! How many soldiers and horses does Zhang Xi have in his hands? Even if he has, he is no match for the mighty power of the Yangzhou Army.

But Hu Che'er, you're right to think about it. In this way, you should temporarily ambush outside Zhang Xi's mansion and guard all the passages.

Wait for me to go to General Lu to borrow troops, and then act in unison to wipe them all out! "

Hu Che'er took the order to leave, and Guo Jia also rushed to Lu Meng's side immediately.

Since regaining Chang'an, Lu Meng immediately rushed into the palace to control Emperor Xian, so as not to be used by those who want to.

So from then on, Lu Meng guarded the entire palace.

Lu Meng was well aware of the importance of this matter, so he fulfilled his duties, even staying in the palace for daily necessities.

Therefore, Guo Jia, who knew his style, did not go to Lu Meng's residence at all, but went straight to the Forbidden Palace.

In a gatehouse next to the city gate, he finally found Lu Meng's figure.

At this moment Lu Meng was reciting the Spring and Autumn Annals, just when he was fascinated, even Guo Jia didn't notice when he came in.

"Ziming is so hardworking!"

Guo Jialang smiled and finally woke up Lu Meng.

Lu Meng closed the book, and asked with a puzzled look: "Mr. Feng Xiao, I don't know why you are doing this trip?"

Lü Meng is studious and self-denying, and he especially respects learned scholars, so even if they are on the same level, they always call each other Mr.

As soon as Guo Jia came up, he went straight to the topic.

"Ziming, I need to borrow a thousand soldiers from you!"

When Lu Meng heard this, he was instantly stunned.

You must know that on the battlefield, a thousand soldiers are not many.

But in the city of Chang'an, these soldiers are enough to do earth-shaking events.

You must know that the soldiers in the entire Chang'an city are under the command of Lu Meng, and there are only [-] troops in the city, and the rest are stationed outside the city.

The other party lent so much all at once, but he dared not agree lightly.

"Feng Xiao, has something serious happened? The permission of the king is required to use the troops rashly in the city.

Even I dare not lend it to you easily. "

Seeing the other party's embarrassed face, Guo Jia couldn't force it.

He had no choice but to explain patiently.

"General Ziming, I borrowed troops for no other purpose than to wipe out traitors.

You know that before Cao Pi left, he set up an intelligence base in the venue, which was responsible for collecting intelligence and sabotage.

These thousand soldiers were used just to arrest them.There is a soldier talisman bestowed by the king of Chu here, which can be used by soldiers with less than a thousand people. "

After Lu Meng took the soldier talisman and confirmed its authenticity, he was relieved.

After all, if you use weapons recklessly in the city, you will be labeled as treason if you are not careful.

Even he had to be extremely cautious.

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