-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lu Meng confirmed that the soldier talisman was indeed given by the king of Chu.

Instead, there is a line of words engraved on the side: "The talisman of the armored soldier, the king is on the right, and the army is on the left. Every soldier who wears armor must know the king's talisman."

There are two words below: "Limited to a thousand soldiers."

The half that Guo Jia took out was the right half, and the left half was naturally in Lu Meng's hands.

The two halves of the soldier talisman fit together perfectly, confirming its authenticity.

Therefore, Lu Meng got up immediately, and said respectfully: "The last general has taken orders, where will the soldiers go? Please obey my filial piety."

Guo Jia said with a smile: "No hurry, the general will gather the soldiers first, and I will tell you the specific target."

When Lu Meng heard this, although he was puzzled, he didn't ask too much, and immediately went out to issue orders.

In fact, Guo Jia can't blame Guo Jia for concealing it.

Because Zhang Xi, who was going to go, was the Weiwei who guarded the palace before.

Although the soldiers here have undergone a major change of blood, they have been changed to the Yangzhou Army led by Lu Meng.

But in this palace, eunuchs and maids who are closely related to him are absolutely indispensable.

If the wind leaks at this moment and makes him take precautions, then everything will fail.

So, until three quarters later, when Lu Meng gathered a thousand soldiers in the square outside the palace gate, everyone still didn't know why.

At this time, Guo Jia walked outside slowly, and Lu Meng immediately said: "Mr. Feng Xiao, thousands of soldiers have assembled, please order!"

Since it was assigned by the king of Chu himself, Lu Meng should do it himself, so he simply served as the commander of the thousand-man team.

Guo Jia looked at the military appearance in front of him, he was really well-armored and mighty.

The soaring momentum alone is enough to make the enemy shudder.

Guo Jia came to Lu Meng, got on his horse, and walked side by side with him.

After the army set off, Guo Jiacai told him the purpose of the trip in a low voice.

"What? You're going to the mansion of Qian Wei Wei Zhang Xi?"

Lu Meng still knew a little about his predecessor.

Although he took over the palace ban and replaced the other party's position.

However, Lu Meng was diligent and eager to learn, and he had visited Zhang Xi's mansion many times to ask some precautions in the palace ban.

In his impression, Zhang Xi was a loyal and kind person, treated himself without reservation, and taught him things that were not useful.

It was only now that I heard from Guo Jia that the other party had a connection with Cao Cao, and that the mansion was Cao Cao's intelligence base.

Therefore, Lu Meng's face was filled with disbelief.

However, he still trusted Guo Jia very much, and with the personal arrangement of the King of Chu, Lu Meng finally no longer doubted it.

The army marched in a uniform manner, attracting frequent glances from passers-by on the street.

The mobilization of troops in Chang'an City is already eye-catching, and these people are murderous, so they are not good at first glance.

But at this moment, no one would take the initiative to step forward to stop them, and they all dodged to the side of the road to avoid them.

Only some ordinary people thought with horror: "Could it be that the war in Chang'an City, which has just subsided not long ago, is going to resume war again?"

Starting from Dong Zhuo, then Li Jue and Guo Si, and finally changing hands to Cao Cao, Chang'an has suffered a lot from wars in these years.

It was also a little peaceful for a while during the period under Cao Cao's jurisdiction.

But it was not long before he was recovered by the king of Chu.

Originally, everyone thought that the king of Chu had a strong army and horses, and was powerful. After he regained Chang'an, he would completely return to peace.

The people are also at ease.

Unexpectedly, when the war broke out again, some people were so frightened that they hurried home to pack their things and were about to flee.

For these, they have rich experience.

Those big families also closed their doors, only dared to watch secretly through the cracks of the doors, and did not dare to open the doors at all.

Because of the time of military chaos, robbery and robbery occurred frequently.As a wealthy family, we must guard against the robbers who take the opportunity to rob.

But at this moment, Zhang Xi's mansion is still peaceful.

As Weiwei, one of the Nine Ministers, Zhang Xi had quite a lot of power before.

Moreover, relying on empty pay and secretly rewarded by Cao Cao, life is very good.

The entire mansion is also very grand, ranking first in the Jiuqing, even the mansion of the Sangong is not as good as this.

In the northeast corner of Zhang Mansion, there is a separate courtyard.

It had been vacant before, but it was suddenly listed as a restricted area by Zhang Xi a few months ago.

No one from the top and bottom of Zhang's mansion is allowed to enter, and offenders will be severely punished.

There was once a servant who stayed outside the courtyard for a moment out of curiosity, and has since disappeared.

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