Since then, no one in the Zhang family dared to come here again.

Even if there is no other way, you have to bow your head and pass quickly, not daring to delay for a moment.

No need to guess, this other courtyard is Cao Pi's intelligence base in Chang'an City.

He is located in this deep house compound, which is also the reason why Guo Jia has been investigating for so long, but still can't find it.

In the past few days, the master has frequently entered and exited this courtyard.

It's just that every time only he goes in and locks it immediately, no one knows what he is going to do.

Of course no one dared to ask.

The reason why Zhang Xi has been so frequent recently is because the Great Court Meeting is about to begin.

There are many things that need to be planned here to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Waiting for him in the yard is Xia Houzhen, the head of the stronghold here.

He passed the previous news to his son Cao Pi.

Originally, the second order sent by Cao Pi was to ask him to carry out the assassination and create an atmosphere of terror in Chang'an City.

On the day Xia Houzhen did his work, he received a second letter from the young master again.

This time, the letter changed the previous arrangement and asked him to give up the assassination for the time being, and to watch the movement of the Sun and Liu families for the time being.

Xia Houzhen had no choice but to temporarily cancel the operation. Unexpectedly, there was no change in the city for several days.

There was only one arrest of thieves in Zuixiaolou, which looked a little suspicious.

So Xia Houzhen saw that the Sun and Liu families did not move, so he couldn't help but want to do it again.

At this time, the third letter from the young master happened to be waiting, so I had no choice but to stop again.

It turned out that Cao Pi planned to prevent the matter by assassinating at the beginning.

But later he thought that this alone might not have much effect, instead it would arouse the other party's vigilance when the Sun and Liu families attacked at the same time.

So he simply ordered Xia Houzhen to cancel the assassination plan.

Instead, focus on the upcoming Great Court Meeting.

Only by doing it directly at the Dachao meeting can Liu Ke be hit to the greatest extent and stop the Zen position.

But it's easier said than done if you want to take action at the heavily guarded court meeting?

Thanks to the assistance of Zhang Xi, the former guard, Xia Houzhen finally had some clues.

According to Zhang Xi's analysis, the officials are now frightened by the King of Chu's despotic power, so naturally they dare not oppose it openly.

So they can't contact secretly, so as not to reveal their identities.

So, after the planning of the two, they planned to use Zhang Xi's means to directly arrange a group of dead men to mix in.

At that time, an order will be issued to assassinate the King of Chu and his generals at the Great Court Meeting.

In order to stop the opponent, even Emperor Xian was on his assassination list.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xia Houzhen planned to assassinate the King of Chu at the Great Court Meeting.

Even if it fails, it will surely bankrupt the Zen position.

And he also set his sights on Emperor Xian, if he couldn't kill Liu Ke, he would kill Emperor Xian.

At that time, if the matter is blamed on the King of Chu, then he will have no chance to succeed to the throne.

This plan is not poisonous.

After all, even if everyone knows that this matter was not done by King Liu Ke of Chu.

However, Emperor Xian was always safe and sound in the hands of Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao.

As soon as it fell into Liu Ke's hands, he was murdered.

Liu can't wash away this stain no matter what.

This is also the reason why Liu Ke asked Lu Meng to take over the palace ban as soon as he entered Chang'an.

It's just that Zhang Xi has been in business for a long time. Although he resigned, he still has a lot of resources in his hands.

Among them, some eunuchs in the palace have already been bought by him, and they are going to be replaced by Xia Houzhen at that time.

Xia Houzhen invited Zhang Xi here today, just to confirm the final details and prevent the tricks from being revealed before the matter is completed.

Because this big court meeting has a lot to do with it.

Although some young eunuchs are indispensable to wait on them, they must be searched carefully.

People like Xia Houzhen know very little about the affairs of the palace, so they can only conduct drills in advance and take countermeasures to prevent being seen through.

At the same time, in order to reassure Zhang Xi, Xia Houzhen instantly revealed his son's situation in Liangzhou.

Zhang Xi knew that the safety of his son was in his own hands.

If the performance is not cooperative, I am afraid that the son will also be implicated.

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