It also made Madam immediately aware of the danger.

He had no choice but to shirk that the master had just left Chang'an and returned to the countryside to visit his relatives.

But how could such a clumsy reason deceive Lu Meng.

Lu Meng had no choice but to say: "Madam, there is something urgent this time. I hope Madam will tell the truth.

Otherwise, please forgive me for searching in this mansion! "

When Madam heard this, her complexion changed drastically.

Strong self-supporting way: "You! You, don't you have the king's law?"

"Hehe, I'm sorry, ma'am. The order of the king of Chu is the greatest king's law in the world.

Please don't obstruct me any more, so as not to hurt your dignity. "

After speaking, Lu Meng finally gave the order for a comprehensive search.

Under the madam's very ugly face, the five hundred soldiers immediately dispersed and rushed to various positions.

And Lu Meng sat firmly in the main hall, waiting patiently.

Sitting next to him is Mrs. Zhang.

At this moment, the other party also did not say a word, but prayed nervously for Zhang Xi in his heart.

At this moment, suddenly a soldier ran in hastily.

"General, there is a mansion in the northeast corner of the mansion, which is very suspicious.

The people inside have already fought with the brothers. "

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Mrs. Zhang, who was originally sitting in the main seat, finally changed her expression greatly after hearing what the sergeant said.

I secretly said in my heart that it was over.

This other courtyard is what she is most worried about, and now something really happened.

Lu Meng could no longer care about the opponent's changes.

After hearing the news, he immediately stood up and walked over there.

When Lu Meng arrived, there was already a battle here.

There were three corpses lying on the ground, but they were all dressed in civilian clothes, not their own soldiers.

Since there is only a small door at the entrance of the other courtyard, the two of them are still guarding there desperately.

Therefore, when Lu Meng arrived, the soldiers still did not break through into the courtyard.

The two people guarding the door should be the only ones left.

However, their martial arts should also be the strongest, and they have not been able to be broken by the opponent so far.

Seeing this, Lu Meng frowned, thinking that such a delay would not work!

So he immediately reached out to take an ox horn bow from the lieutenant general.

Bending the bow and aiming with the arrow, he locked on one of the warriors in one go.

The man's premonition was also very strong, as soon as Lu Meng aimed at him, he felt as if he was being targeted by a poisonous snake.

This person was so frightened that the hairs on his body stood on end, and he hurried to avoid it.

But how could Lu Meng's arrow be dodged so easily?

As soon as he felt it, the arrow had already been shot, flying towards the opponent like a shooting star.

The man wanted to dodge, but because of the entanglement of the soldiers, he couldn't find a chance.

When he was finally ready to dodge desperately, the arrow had already arrived.

"Pfft!" There was a muffled sound, and at the same time that the man was hit by the arrow, he was pushed back three meters by this huge force.

He was thankful that he had escaped the critical moment at the critical moment.

However, this huge force still reduced its movements instantaneously.

The soldiers who had been wrestling with him would not let this opportunity go.

Looking at the gap, three long hairs stretched out in an instant, piercing the man's lower abdomen and thigh respectively, with such force that they pierced directly.

This time, the man finally had no chance to fight back at all, and was dealt with by the swarming soldiers.

If there is only one person left, it will be easy.

The man watched the end of his companion, and was very afraid of the strength of the archers outside.

So this also made him dare not try his best at all, and always had to be distracted to guard against the opponent's cold arrows.

He, who could barely support himself, became more and more unsustainable.

Finally, under the siege of several soldiers, he was finally captured alive.

In this way, the gate of the other courtyard was finally opened without any hindrance.

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