The soldiers rushed in and filled the courtyard, leaving only one passage for Lu Meng to enter.

Lu Meng didn't go in directly, but stood in the courtyard and shouted.

"Master Zhang Xi, please come out. You have nowhere to go. Instead of fighting with the trapped beasts, it is better to descend quickly and save your life."

After three beeps, the door finally opened with a creak.

I saw the rich Zhang Xi walking out of it with a bitter expression on his face.

"Ziming, don't come here without any problems. I just don't know that after the last night of holding candles, you and I have become enemies!"

Hearing this, Lu Meng replied with some helplessness: "Master Zhang, you have a responsibility, so please don't make too much of a fuss. The King of Chu has invited you, and I hope Master Zhang will accompany Meng."

"Hehe, how could His Royal Highness Chu send so many soldiers?"

As Zhang Xi said, he looked at the murderous people around him.

He naturally knew the opponent's purpose. The reason why he did this now was to buy time for the opponent to escape.

After Lu Meng talked to him a few words, he also found something wrong.

Zhang Xi neither confessed nor stepped out, and stood still at the door, obviously delaying time.

So Lu Meng had no choice but to wink at the lieutenant general, who immediately understood.

The deputy general strode forward and came to Zhang Xi's side.

Regardless of paying attention to the other party, he kicked open the half-closed door and rushed in with someone.

To his surprise, although the room was empty, there was another mystery.

He immediately told Lu Meng what he found, and the other party finally stopped talking with Zhang Xi after hearing the words, and hurried over.

After walking in, Lu Meng discovered that there was a back door in the room.

Looking through the back door, there was another courtyard inside, which turned out to be a front and back yard.

And there was another house there, but the door was wide open and empty.

Seeing the situation there from the corner of his eye, Zhang Xi heaved a sigh of relief.

"Ziming, this courtyard is where the old man reads and sips tea. Is there anyone you are looking for?"

"Oh? How did Mr. Zhang know that I was looking for someone?"

Lu Meng asked with a smile on his face, making Zhang Xi's face instantly unnatural.

It turned out that in his desperation, he slipped the tongue.

But at this moment, people have already gone to the empty building, Zhang Xi has confidence, so naturally he is not afraid.

This courtyard was originally at the northeast corner of the entire mansion, after the guard at the gate and his delay just now.

Xia Houzhen and the others took advantage of this gap to climb over the wall and escape.

Even if he is arrested again, he has nothing to do with Zhang Xi, so naturally he doesn't have to worry.

It's just that although Zhang Xi has a plan in mind, he doesn't know that the other party has already made preparations before entering the house.

Lu Meng's sharp eyes also saw the footprints left on the wall, and he already understood the other party's whereabouts.

But he was not in a hurry, but said with great interest: "So that's the case. That really disturbed Mr. Zhang.

But since we are here, Meng invites Mr. Zhang to watch a good show together. "

Although Zhang Xi didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the other party's gourd, his instinct told him that it was better not to participate.

But Lu Meng continued: "Master Zhang, this play has a lot to do with you.

No excuses, it's not far anyway, it happened just outside the walls of your house. "

Saying that he could not allow Zhang Xi to refuse, he took the initiative to pull him along the ladder prepared by the sergeant to the roof.

From here you can just see what's going on in the backyard.

Zhang Xi's face finally changed this time.

Because he discovered that a hundred soldiers had already ambushed outside the wall.

As for the five people including Xia Houzhen who he thought had already escaped, they were cornered by those soldiers, unable to escape.

Although Xia Houzhen and the others wanted to work hard, they found that the other party had too many people and had no chance at all, so they were stalemate here.

Lu Meng stood on the roof and shouted with a smile: "Hey, surrender quickly. Don't struggle, so as not to hurt your name!"

The soldiers around also roared with laughter instantly, without any pressure at all.

As for Zhang Xi, he was already scared to death.

In fact, if Zhang Xi reacted quickly, he might be able to gather the disciples to stop him and buy time to escape.

But when Lu Meng entered the door, he happened to be in the other courtyard.

Moreover, it was a forbidden order issued by himself, even his personal servants did not dare to break in to inform him.

Therefore, the best reaction time was also delayed. Whether it was him, Xia Houzhen and others, they all completely lost their chances.

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