Lu Meng stood on the roof with Zhang Xi like this, looking at the people below.

After hearing the movement, Xia Houzhen immediately reacted.

After he packed up all the things first, he immediately led people out over the wall.

In fact, the reason for choosing the courtyard located in the northeast corner of the mansion is because it is close to the courtyard wall.

After climbing over the wall, there is a small alley that is rarely visited.

As long as you turn a few corners, you will arrive at the most prosperous street in Chang'an, and you can immediately blend in with the crowd.

So even though he was discovered, Xia Houzhen was not too anxious.

Then he climbed over the courtyard wall with several of his subordinates one by one, and was about to escape.

Just when Xiahou was really glad that he had escaped, a group of soldiers suddenly appeared and surrounded them all.

At this moment, they were all cornered by the soldiers.

Lean against the wall and fight to the death.

At this time, an inappropriate voice sounded.

"There is no need to struggle uselessly! You can save your life by surrendering. Could it be that you still expect to escape from the siege of thousands of my soldiers?"

Following Lu Meng's order, all the soldiers who were scattered and patrolled gathered.

At this moment, not only the alley outside the wall, but even the roof and the wall are full of soldiers ready to go.

There were also a hundred archers among them, who bent their bows and set arrows to aim at them.

As long as Lu Meng gives an order, these people will probably all be shot into hedgehogs.

Seeing this, Xia Houzhen burst into cold sweat instantly.

If there were dozens of soldiers in the beginning, he could still fight hard with his men and escape from the sky.

But in the current situation, let alone escape, he didn't even dare to make a rash move.

Xia Houzhen's subordinates still wanted to find a way out.

However, in less than a moment, they were all killed, leaving behind a lot of corpses, only Xia Houzhen was left alone.

How can I say that Xia Houzhen is also a member of the Xiahou family, so he has his own pride.

He would rather die than be a prisoner.

I saw Xia Houzhen sighed a long time: "Wei Wang, Mr. Zihuan, it is really not good for you, and you are deeply surrounded by the enemy.

Come back in the next life to make up for it! "

With a sigh, Xia Houzhen suddenly pulled out the dagger from his waist and was about to commit suicide.

Lu Meng has been watching their actions all the time.

Seeing that this person wanted to commit suicide, he immediately snatched the bow from his subordinates.

At the critical moment, a sharp arrow shot out quickly and hit the opponent's dagger.

The huge force instantly knocked the dagger into the air.

Just when Xiahou was really dazed, several armored soldiers quickly stepped forward and captured him.

For those dead soldiers, if you kill them, you will kill them.

But for a mastermind like Xia Houzhen, Lu Meng should capture him alive and take him back for interrogation.

Just like Xiang Ping before, maybe he could get some unexpected gains.

After all, the King of Chu had just taken over Chang'an City not long ago, so he knew little about the intricate relationships here.

With these people in hand, it is very helpful for him to sort out the relationship in the city.

Xia Houzhen failed to commit suicide and was captured alive.

Not only his hands and feet were tied, but even his mouth was stuffed to prevent him from biting his tongue.

He finally became a prisoner.

The whole person is left with only decadence and despair.

As for assisting Xia Houzhen, Zhang Xi, the avant-garde captain, naturally couldn't escape.

Both of them were tied up and taken outside the gate of Zhang's mansion.

Guo Jia was waiting here, and when he saw Lu Meng returning, his eyes lit up and he went up to meet him.

"General Ziming is really extraordinary, he captured Cao Wei's deep-rooted stronghold as soon as he made a move.

At that time, I will show your merits in front of the king. "

Hearing this, Lu Meng waved his hands modestly.

"Lord Feng Xiao is absurd, all this depends on Feng Xiao's strategizing, I just contributed a little bit.

How dare you covet the power of heaven! "

Hearing the conversation between the two, Xia Houzhen, who was originally dead silent, suddenly regained his spirits.

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