He stared at Guo Jia and asked, "You, how do you know the base is here?"

Guo Jia heard the words, smiled slightly and said, "I have my own channels to know, if you want to know, you can get the answer by cooperating obediently."

After finishing speaking, he waved and led people back to the Ting Wei Office.

After interrogation that night, they got the hiding places of other people from Zhang Xi.

This time there was no need for Lu Meng to act personally, Hu Che'er's Hundred Guards alone took down all of them.

These are the killers that Xia Houzhen is planning to assassinate at the Great Court Meeting.

After knowing the other party's conspiracy, Guo Jia was also in a cold sweat from fright.

If it really succeeds in its conspiracy, then it is unknown how many people will die at the Dachaohui.

At that time, not to mention the Zen seat, the entire court will become a disaster.

Even the king of Chu may be affected.

Fortunately, Xiang Ping confessed this information in time.

So that night, Guo Jia decided on his own and changed Xiang Ping to a more comfortable cell.

Watch its performance in the future and make further arrangements.

As for Xia Houzhen, he never said a word and resisted with silence.

However, since the opponent's stronghold has been uprooted, it is of little value if he can't open his mouth.

Early the next morning, there was still one day before the Great Court Meeting.

Guo Jia wrote the work of the past few days into a memorial overnight, and rushed to the Chu Palace to report.

When Liu Ke heard it from Guo Jia, he couldn't help but frowned.

It seems that I am too kind, and after entering Chang'an, I have always focused on appeasing.

Unexpectedly, there are so many people with ulterior motives hidden among the officials.

If the other party really messed up the game, Liu Ke might also become the laughing stock of the whole world.

Therefore, Liu Ke immediately said viciously: "Feng Xiao, investigate again! We must sweep away these hidden fish that slip through the net.

After Gu Wang handles the affairs in Chang'an City well, he must attack Cao, Liu, and Sun in person! "

Although Liu Ke is gentle and generous towards his subordinates, he has always been merciless towards enemies who want to hurt him.

This time, the other party not only wanted to disrupt the Great Court Meeting, but even dared to hit his own head.

It is absolutely impossible for Liu Ke to accept such a thing.

He decided to use his strength to teach those who offended him an unforgettable lesson.

But now is not the time, the top priority is naturally the upcoming Great Court Conference.

In order to ensure its smooth progress, there is still a lot of work to be done today.

After Guo Jia got the official action order from Liu Ke, he finally took action against the relevant people.

At this moment, the palace is very busy, and the eunuchs and maids are all nervous about what they will need at the Great Court Meeting tomorrow.

At this moment, a group of Jinwei in black clothes and armor suddenly rushed over.

Seeing this, the palace man immediately stopped his work.

But no one dared to step forward to ask.

In the past, breaking into the forbidden palace with a knife was a serious crime of treason.

But in the current situation, the palace people have been numb by such a scene.

It can also be said that those loyal to the emperor in the palace have been killed in previous turmoil.

These people who are left now are just to make a living, and they are very satisfied not to starve to death in the chaos of war.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Facing the black-clothed soldiers who suddenly broke into the forbidden palace, none of the palace people dared to step forward to stop them.

Only one Huang Men, who seemed to be over fifty years old, quickly got up and rushed over.

"This old slave is Zhang Li, the order of the Huangmen. Do you have any orders from the lord?"

These black-clothed soldiers were Jin Wei under Hu Che'er.

The leading Jinwei said coldly: "No need, we can do it ourselves!"

As he spoke, he took out a piece of paper from his bosom, on which were densely written a string of names.

Every time Jin Wei read a name, one of the palace servants was pushed out from the crowd by Jin Wei.

After a while, more than [-] people were pointed out.

When he called the last name, Huang Men, who was bowing down, suddenly trembled slightly.

It turned out that what Jin Wei called was actually his name——Zhang Li!

The other people who were arrested were the lowest eunuchs and court ladies.

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