But Zhang Li is also a subordinate official with a rank of six hundred stones, and his status in the palace is not low.

So he immediately asked: "You guys, where are you arresting me? I want to see Your Majesty!"

"Hehe, Mr. Zhang, don't shout. Your clan brother Zhang Xi has already confessed, so don't force yourself!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Li, who was still arrogant and energetic, became sluggish and paralyzed in an instant.

Others didn't know, but he immediately understood the meaning of the other party's words.

Zhang Li and Zhang Xi were originally from the same hometown, plus Zhang Xi was originally a Weiwei, guarding the palace.

So the relationship between the two is naturally very deep.

A very important part of Zhang Xi and Xia Houzhen's plan this time is to insert some killers to assassinate at the Great Court Meeting.

As the order of the Huangmen, these things are naturally left to Zhang Lilai to complete.

As for the eunuchs who were named, they were all fake eunuchs, real killers.

There are many people in the palace, and no one pays attention to one or two more people.

So Zhang Li has always felt that the clothes are seamless. Unexpectedly, after Zhang Xi was arrested, everything was exposed in an instant.

At this moment, he didn't have any sophistry, and he also knew that he was doomed to die, so he lost his spirit.

More than [-] people were taken away by Jin Wei, and the rest rushed to their residences to search for evidence.

After these people left, the palace became deserted in an instant.

Although the faces of the eunuchs and maids were pale, they all pretended that nothing happened and continued to do the work at hand.

Obviously, things like this are no surprise to them.

At the same time, countless guards of the Jin Dynasty passed through various parts of Chang'an City.

From time to time, they would knock on the door of a certain official and say, "Please come to the Tingwei Office for tea!"

Then he took people away involuntarily.

This situation lasted until late at night, so that from then on, all the officials couldn't help being frightened when they saw Jinwei in black.

Some people have been too frightened to drink tea since then.

All these people were more or less involved in the intelligence bases of Sun, Liu, and Cao.

He was unwilling to scare the snake before, but now, on the eve of the Great Court Meeting, he finally stopped being polite and found out these people thoroughly.

Therefore, nearly a hundred people were arrested in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty that night.

At the beginning, some people shouted for injustice, bluntly saying that it was the king of Chu who murdered Zhongliang.

But when Jin Wei and the guards presented the ironclad evidence, they were instantly speechless and could no longer speak.

This night, the entire city of Chang'an was not quiet.

Some people who have ghosts in their hearts pray tremblingly at home.

The slightest movement made him tremble with fright.

However, although Liu Ke had arrested many people, he definitely did not expand, or took the opportunity to attack dissidents.

The people who were invited to drink tea by Jinwei today were all to blame, and no one was wronged.

And Guang Luxun Xixi, Zongzheng Liu Ai and Dongping Wang gathered in his mansion again.

Tomorrow is the Great Court Meeting, in order to ensure that my plan is foolproof.

Even if the streets are full of Jinwei today, they can only take the risk of getting together and reconfirming the requirements for tomorrow.

"Tomorrow is the Great Court Meeting, how are you preparing?" Xi Xi first asked.

"Hongyu, don't worry, I have already drafted a memorial to the Zen position, and I will read it publicly at the Great Court Assembly tomorrow.

Play please my emperor's Zen is located in the king of Chu.As soon as this sparseness comes out, it must have established our support. "

King Dongping was also excited when he heard this.

Supporting the new emperor's enthronement is an extraordinary feat, and with this feat, his throne will be more secure.

Others thought the same way.

In fact, the reason why he took the risk of ransacking his family and destroying his family if things fail, isn't it because Emperor Xian persecuted him too hard before?

With the merits of supporting him, at least he can protect his life without worrying about food and clothing, and his descendants will be blessed.

Xi Xi took Liu Ai's memorabilia, read it carefully from beginning to end, and revised some of the contents.

In order to ensure tomorrow's credit, there must be no omissions in this matter.

The others also circulated it, so that they knew what they were doing, so that they could support the scene when they played the invitation tomorrow.

Afterwards, Xi Ji gave everyone the procedure of the Great Court Meeting in advance.

Because although the memorial has been revised, the timing of its submission is also very critical.

Neither should be exposed too early, so as not to make the officials think that they are ambitious.

It can't be too late, otherwise it will be bad if it is preempted by others.

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