In the end, it was decided to submit the memorial when officials from various ministries reported.

According to the practice of the Dachaohui, after the start, the Sangong Jiuqing will first report on their respective responsibilities.

After these people reported, they went to the reports of other officials and the arrangement of the emperor.

Generally, Liu Ai, who is Zongzheng, has always been ranked in the bottom of the Jiuqing.

The timing is just right.

After all the discussions were over, everyone finally left the Xiji mansion carefully again.

But judging by their nervousness, I'm afraid they are doomed to have no sleep tonight.

But inside the palace, there are also sleepless people.

This person is naturally Emperor Xian Liu Xie.

Since he took the throne, he has never held a great court meeting.

So the ministers under him were nervous, and he was even more nervous.

Thanks to the contribution of the King of Chu, the message of inviting the emperor to take the throne of Zen at the Great Court Meeting has already spread throughout Chang'an City.

Emperor Xian had also heard of it.

In the past, when Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao were in fear, Emperor Xian once really wanted to give up the throne, but the other party refused.

Now it's really time to give up, but he can't let go.

So lying on the dragon couch, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

The queen Cao Jie beside him was also woken up by his torment, and looked over with sleepy eyes.

"Why isn't your majesty asleep yet?"

Queen Cao Jie asked softly.

"Ah! I am worrying about what will happen tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" The queen thought about it and understood.

Immediately smiled and said: "Isn't tomorrow the Great Court Meeting? This is a good day."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Emperor Xian was even more puzzled after hearing the words of Empress Cao Jie.

The queen patiently explained: "Your Majesty, you may have forgotten that you promised to take my concubine to visit Yuntai Mountain.

I have never been able to do it before, and now I finally have the opportunity! "

"Hey! It's not easy to say! Although I am the Son of Heaven, I have never been able to be independent. Let alone go to Yuntai Mountain, even if I go out to hunt in the suburbs, I have to act according to people's faces. It is difficult!"

Emperor Xian shook his head while sighing.

However, the Queen suddenly said: "What if Your Majesty is not the Son of Heaven?"

When Emperor Xian heard the words, his face changed suddenly.

The scared Cao Jie immediately fell to his knees.

"The concubine made a slip of the tongue, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Emperor Xian took a deep look at the queen, but suddenly smiled, very relieved.

"Queen, I am afraid that you are the only one who will treat me sincerely.

I am afraid that other people will never say such words.

Even if someone says that it is for the throne under my ass, it is definitely not for my sincere consideration!

But I believe that you said this sentence is definitely for my consideration.

Empress, don't worry, if God allows, I will definitely take you to visit Yuntai Mountain! "

Facing Emperor Xian's solemn promise, the queen finally got up and snuggled into Emperor Xian's arms again.

And Emperor Xian finally let go of the stone in his heart.

He even looked forward to it at this moment, hoping that this matter would end as soon as possible.

That night, Emperor Xian had a sweet dream.

In his dream, his past twenty years were like a dream, and he was still the king of Chenliu.

Be an idle prince, and you don't have to worry about every day.

After waking up from this sleep, Emperor Xian felt very refreshed and relaxed.

This relief is not physical, but spiritual.

Today is the first day of July, which is the day when the Great Court Meeting will be held.

When I first arrived in Mao, the palace was already lively.

Because the Great Court Meeting is different from the previous court meetings, and it has not been held for many years.

In order to avoid mistakes, Guang Luxun and Xi Ji entered the palace early and sat on the spot to discuss this matter, and must do it to perfection.

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