At the time of Chen, the ministers finally began to enter the palace one after another.

Everyone who just entered the palace was stunned by the sight here.

The originally dilapidated imperial city was renovated in just a few days.

And the places they passed were decorated with lights and festoons, which was very grand.

In front of Weiyang Palace, a long carpet was laid.

Standing on both sides are the heroic Habayashi Army.

For a while, I really felt like I was dreaming back to the prosperous age.

This also made some ministers even secretly wipe their tears with excitement.

Because many years have passed since the Yellow Turban disaster.

The country is in turmoil, all heroes are rising together, and the country is always in danger of being overthrown.

These old ministers who live in the world are all anxious, but there is nothing they can do.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the palace has taken on a new look at this moment, and it is quite calling for a prosperous age, how can it not make them excited.

As the planner of this time, Xi Xi was naturally very proud to see everyone's astonished expressions.

This is what he wants.

Because through this extraordinary court meeting, what was announced to everyone was the achievements of the King of Chu.

Anyone with a discerning eye would naturally know that the reason why this event is being held at this moment is precisely because of the existence of King Chu.

Thanks to him, we can level the world and help the Han Dynasty, otherwise Chang'an would still be in Cao Cao's hands!

After the civil and military officials arrived one after another, the king of Chu's chariot finally arrived.

At this moment, Liu Ke couldn't help being in a trance when he saw the majestic and towering palace after the renovation.

This forbidden palace was built by Gaozu Liu Bang four hundred years ago.

It is still standing now, and it is alive again.

Just standing below makes one feel strong pressure, worthy of being the palace of a big man.

At least it is more grand than the Chu Palace in Yangzhou.

Thinking about it, Liu Ke finally arrived at Weiyang Palace slowly.

At this moment, the place is already full of people.

Liu Ke couldn't help being taken aback by this scene.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many officials in the court today?"

Liu Ke said to himself, because there are too many people here, twice as many as before he came.

Moreover, this does not include Liu Ke's own subordinates.

Just entered Chang'an, Liu Ke is still the king of Chu, so he was not in a hurry to make a hero.

Therefore, his subordinates are still subordinates of the palace, and have not held official positions in the court.

However, some of the key positions have been taken by Liu Ke.

For example, the Tingwei of the country and the Weiwei of Lu Meng.

These are all self-collected, and they will report to Emperor Xian afterwards to become a regular.

The last time Liu Ke entered Chang'an, he did not see so many people.

In fact, it was because a large number of them had low positions and were not qualified to enter the venue at all.

But this time the Great Court will be different. According to the rules, all officials in Chang'an must participate.

So you can see a lot of weird jobs in it.

For example, among the crowd are Yizhou Shepherd, Western Region Chief History, and Nanyang County Prefect.

There was even a prefect of Danyang County.

You must know that Danyang County at this time is where Liu Ke's king's capital is located, so he appointed the prefect.

The prefect of Danyang County is naturally appointed by Liu Ke.

In fact, the origin of this person's official position is similar to that of the other governors and prefects present.

Their official positions were all bought from Emperor Xian.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the sale of officials and nobles was already prosperous for a time. Even Cao Cao's father, Cao Song, once bought an official position as a Taiwei.

Such an official position is in name only, just a false name.

But it still attracts many people.

After all, some people have money but no power, and there are many people who would not hesitate to buy an official for the sake of honoring their ancestors.

Therefore, after the official positions in the central court were sold out, the Shaofu, who had tasted the sweetness, simply gave a bad check.

All the positions of the local shepherds and sheriffs were also sold.

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