The money was paid on the spot, Gai Yuxi was appointed on the spot, and the official documents of the imperial court were issued, which was quite like an assembly line operation.

You must know that the place is different from the center, which is occupied by princes from all walks of life.

How easy is it to snatch food from them?

But those who spend money to buy officials are all very smart.

I only want to make a name for myself, and it is enough to have an official position of Guangzong Yaozu.

But no one really didn't have a brain and dared to take this letter of appointment to find the princes for land.

This also makes those people can only live in the city of Chang'an, hoping that one day after the recovery of the country, they will really change and become a big official of the frontier.

That's why there are so many people participating in today's Great Court Meeting.

Looking at the titles of those people, I don't know, I really thought that all the officials of the whole country were summoned.

Liu Ke, who just found out about this matter, couldn't help crying and laughing.

At this time, a person unexpectedly came to Chu King Liu Ke slowly by accident.

"My lower official, Cui Yuan, the prefect of Zhuo County in Youzhou, pays my respects to Your Highness!"

Liu Ke looked at him, but was very puzzled and couldn't recognize him at all.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The man who looked like a meat ball leaned over with a courteous face and looked at Liu Ke with a courteous face.

However, Liu Ke had no impression of this man who claimed to be the prefect of Zhuojun.

He could only ask suspiciously: "You are?"

"Your Majesty was born in the Cui family of Qinghe. Last year, I was promoted to Xiaolian. Your Majesty Hong En appointed you as the prefect of Zhuo County.

It's just that there have been wars and chaos before, and I haven't been able to take office.

Now under the governance of His Highness the King of Chu, the world is at peace and the flames of war have subsided.

So I want to..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Ke understood what he meant.

Presumably this person is the group that his subordinates told him to spend money to buy officials.

It's just that Liu Ke didn't expect that this person would dare to come to him on his own initiative.

Liu Ke is also very clear about his purpose.

It's nothing more than seeing that Zhuo County is now pacified, and I want to go directly to pick up the ready-made fruits.

It's just that these places are all the land that Liu Ke has spent so much hard work on, how could they be given to him so easily?

When Cui Yuan came to look for Liu Ke, many people looked here vaguely.

All I want to compare is to see Liu Ke's attitude, if he agrees to Cui Yuan's request.

In a short while, those who also spent money to buy officials would rush forward and divide up the land that Liu Ke had laid down.

You must know that the people who bought officials at that time bought all the official positions, large and small, throughout the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Anyway, it's not in my hands, so I don't feel bad if I sell it, and I can make more money.

Liu Ke sneered in his heart, but did not answer him directly.

Instead, he turned around and asked Lu Xun who came with him with great interest.

"Bo Yan, what do you think?"

Lu Xun was the governor of Youzhou, and Zhuojun was under his jurisdiction.

Generally speaking, for the governor, Liu Ke has played Xiandi before.

But this is just a formality, and it doesn't matter if the other party admits it or not.

But after all, Lu Xun is indeed the governor of Youzhou approved by the court, and this cannot be changed.

As soon as that meatball Cui Yuan heard that this person was his future immediate boss, he immediately looked at him fawningly.

Lu Xun was quick-witted, and he could tell from Liu Ke's expression that he wanted to play tricks on him.

So following Liu Ke's thoughts, he pretended to speak.

"Your Majesty, your subordinates are incompetent. Although there has been no major war in Youzhou in the past year.

However, after the impact of the wars by Huang Jin, Yuan Shao and others in the past few years, the population of the whole prefecture is only three or four out of ten.

Moreover, there was a severe drought last year, and the crops failed. The people had no choice but to leave their homes and go to the nearby Bingzhou and Jizhou to beg. "

When Cui Yuan heard this, his expression changed instantly.

He originally planned to plunder after taking office, so as to make up for the loss he lost in buying an official.

Now that they are so poor over there, I lost half of my interest.

Hearing this, Liu Ke pretended to be angry and said, "Bo Yan, why didn't you report such an important matter to the lonely king earlier?

People can't afford to eat, don't you open granaries to release food?Could it be that there is no food left?

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