If this provokes another civil uprising, would you be guilty of it?

Say, what else do you have to hide from the lonely king? "

Liu Ke's fury suddenly erupted, shocking the people who had been secretly paying attention to the situation here.

Lu Xun also cooperated very well. He was so frightened that his face turned pale and he immediately knelt on the ground.

"Your Majesty, forgive me, Your Majesty forgive me!"

Immediately, Liu Ke's face softened a little, and he said coldly: "Today's court meeting, Gu will not punish you here.

But now you have to explain the situation in Youzhou to Gu clearly! "

After Lu Xun got up, he lowered his head and reported in a low voice.

"My lord, I find that there is no food in the treasuries of the counties in Youzhou.

Some were robbed by hungry people, and some were robbed by bandits.

Because of successive years of natural disasters, some people couldn't afford to eat, so they turned into bandits and looted everywhere.

These bandits range from five to six hundred to tens of thousands, wandering around the territory.Especially in Zhuojun, Daijun, and Shanggujun.

Since all the soldiers and horses were mobilized to the Central Plains, they could not be completely wiped out. "

As soon as these words came out, Liu Ke's face changed drastically.

"What do you want to do with such a big incident, the governor of a state! Later, I will report to you, remove your position as governor, and then punish me!"

Liu Ke's acting skills were so good that even his subordinates were terrified, let alone the Chang'an officials who didn't know much about him.

At this time, Lu Xun hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, don't blame me. I recommend one person, and this matter will be completely settled within a year."


Lu Xun suddenly glanced at Cui Yuan who was next to him, and was horrified at him.

Afterwards, Lu Xun said confidently: "This person is far away in the sky, but close in front of us, he is Cui Yuan, the prefect of Zhuojun County!

This person was born in the Cui family of Qinghe, and his family has a long history, so his talent must be extraordinary.

Only in this way can we govern, and we will be able to quickly solve the current predicament.

Furthermore, in my view, this man is tall and strong, and he must be a general.

After he took office in Zhuojun, he would be able to wipe out the bandits who harmed the place by himself.

Thinking that when the bandits heard the prestige of Master Cui when they came, they would be so frightened that they would surrender.

After Zhuo County was pacified, Master Cui was arranged to go to Dai County and Shanggu County. In one year, all three counties were leveled.

At that time, the subordinates are willing to give up the virtuous, and give up the position of governor to Mr. Cui! "

Liu Ke finally nodded with some satisfaction after listening.

Then he looked at Cui Yuan and asked, "What do you think, Mr. Cui?"

Liu Ke's words made Cui Yuan tremble with fright.

How much Cui Yuan weighed, he was very clear in his heart.

It is true that he was born in the Cui family of Qinghe, but he has always been ignorant and can't read a few big characters.

He is good at looting the people, but he has no ability to ask him to govern the local area.

If this is the case, forget it, the biggest problem is to mount a horse and kill the enemy.

Regardless of Cui Yuan's weight, he couldn't even kill a chicken, let alone an enemy.

When the time comes, I will give away the head.

Taking the risk of losing his life to take office, where the place is still a mess, he is [-] unwilling.

At this moment Liu Ke asked him for his opinion, Cui Yuan immediately said: "My lord, my lord, I'm afraid I won't be able to take on such a big task because I have no talent or virtue.

I, I just resigned from this official position, let's choose another talented person! "

After finishing speaking, before Liu Ke could nod his head, he ran away desperately, afraid that the other party would really send him there.

"Hey, Mr. Cui, don't leave. Gu Ke is optimistic, come to my Zhuo County to take office after the Great Court Meeting is over."

Liu Ke pretended to be anxious and shouted.

But Cui Yuan didn't turn his head when he heard this, and ran even faster.

Liu Ke instantly looked regretful.

Then he suddenly turned his head to look at those who were secretly watching the situation here.

"Is there any gentleman who is qualified for this position? You can stand up now, and the lonely king will guarantee that he will be promoted to the governor of Youzhou within three years!"

Unexpectedly, those people all turned back abruptly, never daring to look at Liu Ke again.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At this moment, none of the officials in the hall dared to look at King Chu Liu Ke.

All of them bowed their heads in silence, or looked up at the sky, in short, they all pretended to be stupid and remained silent.

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