They heard what Liu Ke and Lu Xun said just now.

Not only is it not a fat job to take up the post with feelings, but it even costs one's life.

Anyone who has some ability and some revenge has already defected to various princes and served in the battlefield.

Today, everyone who is still staying in Chang'an City counts as one, and they are all greedy for life and afraid of death.

So when they heard that it was so difficult there, who would dare to go there?

And I was afraid that Liu Ke would fall in love with them, so they all hid far away.

For a while, the area around King Chu, who was surrounded by water, finally recovered a piece of cleanliness.

Until now, when others were not paying attention, Liu Ke secretly smiled and nodded at Lu Xun.

It seemed to be praising his flexibility just now.

Liu Ke's other subordinates suddenly realized when they saw the king's expression.

It turned out that they were also intimidated by Liu Ke's false performance.

Some people who are familiar with the situation in Youzhou are still a little puzzled.

Wasn't Youzhou well governed before? Why did it suddenly become so bad?

Unexpectedly, all of this turned out to be the oboe played by Liu Ke and Lu Xun, originally to deceive those who were seeking official positions.

Everyone admired the king's handling.

After all, if he sternly refuses, it will definitely make those people feel resentful, and maybe he will trip up the king in the future.

These people can't do their job properly, and their tricks are stronger than the last.

Well now, the king not only welcomes them to go, but also very sincerely.

But the other party refused by himself, so it's no wonder the King of Chu.

Moreover, even if those places are really calmed down by then, can these people still have the cheek to go there?

Even if he really wanted to go, the king of Chu would have already ruled the country by then, his power would be stable, and he would never be shaken again.

Therefore, Liu Ke used a very simple method to resolve such a difficult problem in an instant.

This kind of operation made all the counselors under him admire.

At this time, all the people in the court finally arrived.

Then Guanglucheng, Zuopushe and others arranged the order of the people, ranked them according to civil and military, and ranked them according to the size of their official positions.

As for the position of King Chu, it was still placed next to Emperor Xian's throne as before.

Everyone has no objection to this, and seems to have acquiesced to this reality.

At this time, a eunuch suddenly shouted loudly: "Your Majesty is here!"

The civil and military officials tidied up immediately, and stood respectfully in the queue.

Not to mention that when Liu Ke first entered Weiyang Palace, he was shocked by the scene here.

Even Emperor Xian himself faced such a big scene for the first time.

He had also never seen such a grand scene, the huge Weiyang Palace was actually overcrowded.

However, Xiandi's self-cultivation is good, even though his eyes are full of surprise, his expression is still calm.

This is actually the result of his unscathed training after being the puppet emperor for so many years.

Afterwards, all the officials saluted, and the scene was even more lively.

And Liu Ke also wanted to salute, but was immediately supported by Emperor Xian, who spared him the etiquette.

Later, as the host of this conference, Guang Luxun and Xi Ji walked out of the queue.

He first said some festive words, what is the weather is going well, what is the country forever.

After talking eloquently and eloquently until some people dozed off, they finally announced it.

The Great Court has officially begun!

According to the rules, the first person to come forward to report should be Liu Ke, the prince of Chu with the highest official position.

But Liu Ke waved his hand and said, "I've lived alone in the countryside for a long time, and I don't know the state affairs. It's better to be a bystander in this grand court meeting.

It happened to learn how to govern the country from the listed ministers first. "

That being the case, Xi Ji naturally did not dare to force him.

Then it was San Gong's turn.

The first person is Taiwei Yang Biao.

This person is powerful and famous.

Not only did he come from the Hongnong Yang family of a great family, but also the four generations and three fathers. Compared with the Yuan family, he is not much better.

Even when Cao Cao was there, he dared to contradict the other party for the sake of offering the emperor.

Cao Cao imprisoned him several times, but due to Yang Biao's reputation, he did not dare to touch him, and had to release the officials many times.

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