However, Yang Biao said that he would not accept his resignation due to leg problems, and was at home unemployed.

It was not until after Cao Cao fled west that he was recruited by Emperor Xian again and assumed the post of Taiwei again.

The Taiwei is in charge of the world's soldiers, horses and military affairs in name, but now that the princes are fighting, the Taiwei who has no soldiers and no power has become a void.

Yang Biao also understood that he also knew that it was impossible for him to change, so he just said something hastily and it was considered as the end of the report.

Next came Sikong and Zhao Wen.

Sikong, as a supervisory and reporting agency, is facing a similar predicament as Taiwei.

Nowadays, most of the officials in Chang'an City are idle jobs in name only.

The officials outside the city of Chang'an have already become the subordinates of the princes who dominate one side, so how can they be restrained by Sikong?

Therefore, Sikong now only has symbolic meaning.

Zhao Wen praised Xiandi's achievements, which made Emperor Xian feel embarrassed.

He had no choice but to wave his hand and said: "Sikong, I already know everything you want to say, you can step back!"

After hearing this, Zhao Wen slowly returned to the queue.

The last one to come forward was Sikong Chunyujia.

But this person is also the same, talking for a long time is all about the scene, there is no real material at all.

The performance of three people in a row is like this, which makes Emperor Xian somewhat uninterested.

It is impossible for a dignified man to have nothing. The reason for this is because his government orders are not out of Weiyang Palace.

So this also made him realize again that he was just a puppet emperor.

Next it was Jiuqing's turn to report.

They came in the order of Taichang, Guangluxun, Weiwei, Taipu, Tingwei, Dahonglu, Zongzheng, Dasinong, and Shaofu.

However, the content of the report is also empty.

Except Ting Wei Guo Jia.

Although he is Liu Ke's subordinate, since he has assumed the post of Ting Wei, he naturally has to explain his achievements.

Therefore, Guo Jia told about the suppression of the intelligence bases of the Sun, Liu, and Cao families during the recent period.

Also read out the list of all officials involved in it one by one.

All these people had been invited to the Tingwei Office for tea yesterday, so there was no one who came to attend.

But this also made these people present finally understand what happened yesterday.

Some people finally let out a sigh of relief.

Guo Jia's report is naturally completely different from other people's.

Because he has really made achievements, so there is something in his words, not empty at all.

Moreover, Guo Jiasu was famous for his talent, and the content of the report was well-organized. Even Xiandi, who ignored the government, could understand it clearly and praise him again and again.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Emperor Xian was very satisfied after listening to Guo Jia's report.

He couldn't help admiring: "Tingwei's memorial is an eye-opener for me. He really deserves to be a capable official under the tent of the King of Chu."

Then he looked at Liu Ke next to him, and said slowly, "King Chu, don't hide your secrets from such a talent.

Please recommend some more, and serve the country in the imperial court! "

Liu Ke said with a faint smile: "I would like to follow the holy will!"

After Guo Jia finished reporting, the others returned to their old ways.

Emperor Xian yawned after listening.

It wasn't until Zongzheng's speech that the audience exploded in an instant.

Zongzheng Liu Ai was the last to report.

He began like the others, nothing more than words of praise.

But in the second half of the memorial, the topic suddenly changed, revealing his true colors.

He said bluntly: "The Yellow Turban is in trouble, the princes are in riots, the country is in danger of being overthrown, and the country is in danger of being overthrown.

Fortunately, the sky is endless, and the ancestors are blessed by the spirit of the ancestors. The king of Chu was born in Dongyang.

From then on, the king of Chu launched an army to fight against rebellion, vigorously fought with force, and finally wiped out the evil and regained the Central Plains.

Merit is enough to cover the country, and virtue can cover the world. As Zongzheng, Ai has to think about the country.

Therefore, I am willing to take a big shame, and I am here to invite your majesty, Zen is located in the king of Chu! "

Originally, the others were dozing off, distracted.

As soon as Liu Ai said this, he woke up instantly.

The first person to react was Taiwei Yang Biao.

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