This person is notoriously stupid and loyal. Even Cao Cao dared to fight hard for the sake of offering the emperor.

Immediately shouted sharply: "Liu Ai, how dare you make such a rebellious statement? Are you going to be killed by the barbarians?"

However, Liu Ai has already gone all out.

He knew that the King of Chu was sitting in the courtroom right now, and he was watching his every move.

So the firmer I am at this moment, the more attention I will get from King Chu in the future.

Therefore, he didn't care about the distinction between superiors and subordinates.

He replied unceremoniously: "Lord Taiwei, how could one person ruin the country? The king of Chu is a great virtue, and the world can learn from it.

The achievements made are even more impressive than the past, and they are comparable to Guangwu.So where is Ai's disobedience? "

Liu Ai's words made Yang Biao speechless for a moment.

He could only bite the bullet and retort: ​​"Now Your Majesty is generous, kind, dignified, dignified, how can you easily abolish the establishment?"

At this time, another person walked out from the crowd, it was Si Tianjian.

"Your Majesty, the King of Chu, and Lie as colleagues, I am in charge of the heavens, watching the sky at night, seeing the emperor's star fading and dimming.

The three stars of Seven Kills, Po Jun, and Greedy Wolf are on the Emperor Star.This emperor is also a sign of military chaos.

However, there is a star in Emperor Chu, which is as bright as a cover, and it goes straight to the bullfight, and there are also thirty-six general stars guarding it, extending to the sky and the earth, it is indescribable.

It just means that the king of Chu should live in the world.

All this is shown by the Emperor of Heaven, I dare not have the slightest lie, please be aware of it, Your Majesty! "

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, people all believed in the words of prophecy, especially the astronomical phenomena as a signal from heaven.

If this is the case, it means that the heavens think that the current emperor is incompetent.

Therefore, for a while, everyone else was speechless and unable to speak.

As for Yang Biao, he glared at him even more and didn't say a word.

At this time, another person came out, and Biaozuo appeared in Nanshan Qilin Xianrui with Ganoderma lucidum in his mouth.

There are a few words faintly emerging on it: "Chu is the emperor, prospering the country"!

I implore Emperor Xian to think about the country and the country, and also to Zen in the king of Chu.

Naturally, these people were all the group that Xi Xi secretly assembled.

It is also prophecy and auspicious, and various methods emerge in endlessly.

Even Liu Ke, who was sitting on the high platform, thought helplessly: "Can't you change some new tricks? Why do you keep doing this all over again?"

This move to the Zen position was originally planned secretly by many ministers such as Xi Ji and Liu Ai.

I have made the best preparations for the obstacles and doubts I will encounter halfway.

So although there are many people in the court who are loyal to Xiandi, but they temporarily refute, who is the opponent?

Therefore, one after another, people were defeated, and the support for the Zen position naturally became stronger and stronger.

Among them are some people who see the wind and turn the rudder.

Seeing that support for Zen has become the mainstream, I immediately joined this camp secretly, and shouted slogans together.

The audience suddenly became noisy and chaotic.

On the contrary, the protagonist of this Zen position, Emperor Xian, still has a calm face.

After hearing Liu Ai's words, he thought to himself: "Is this day finally here?"

Emperor Xian didn't feel any disturbance in his heart, but instead showed a hint of relief.

He could not help but frown as he watched the crowd quarreling for him.

Suddenly, Emperor Xian slapped the table in front of him with his palm, and there was a loud noise that instantly startled everyone.

Everyone immediately shut up and followed the sound, only to see that Emperor Xian was angry.

Even though everyone is already blushing, Emperor Xian is still the emperor now.

Now that he was angry, no one dared to remain indifferent.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him with their mouths closed, Emperor Xian finally tidied up his appearance and began to speak.

"You don't need to argue about this, I have already understood your intentions.

The achievements of the King of Chu can be learned from all over the world, even I have to admit it.

Therefore, for the sake of the stability of our ancestors, I have long intended to be in the king of Chu.

To tell you the truth, as early as I was deeply involved in the matter of Cao Ying, I was worried that I would be murdered by the Cao thief, and the priest of the Han Dynasty would be beheaded.

Therefore, the edict of the Zen position has been written in blood, and people are sent to the king of Chu at risk of death.

It has been stated in the imperial edict that if I were killed, the king of Chu would ascend the throne immediately, inherit the Han dynasty, and fight for the country's rebellion.

Fortunately, thanks to the blessings of the ancestors and gods, the king of Chu sent troops to expel Cao before the thief murdered me, so that I was free again.

However, I know that virtue is small and blessings are shallow, and it is difficult to take on a big responsibility, so today I wish to follow the wishes of all officials, and Zen is located in the king of Chu. "

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