After Emperor Xian finished speaking, he got up and bowed to the King of Chu, and was about to guide him to the throne of God.

Liu Ke's heart moved, and he was about to leave.

But suddenly he remembered what Zhuge Liang, Jia Xu and others had planned with him in Baling County.

So he immediately got up and helped Emperor Xian.

Then he pretended to refuse and said: "Your Majesty has defeated the evil minister. How can I be able to spy on the divine weapon?

Collecting His Majesty's blood book before was also for the purpose of becoming famous and sharing the same hatred.

Now that His Majesty is safe and sound, he should continue to bestow favors on the world, and I only wish to be one of His Majesty's generals.

It is enough to clean up the thieves for His Majesty! "

Liu Ke's acting talent is very good.

So what I said was very heartfelt.

Even Yang Biao, who opposed the King of Chu before and thought he was suspected of usurping the throne, was moved by him and nodded repeatedly.

In fact, regardless of Zen status or not, this is an internal matter of the Liu clan.

But according to what Zongzheng Liu Ai said before, if he is really loyal to the country, no one can deny that King Chu is indeed the best candidate to inherit the throne.

Even Yang Biao, recalling the achievements of the King of Chu, could no longer say anything to refute.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Faced with the request from the officials in Weiyang Palace and the performance of Emperor Xian, Liu Ke unexpectedly refused.

What he said was also very sincere, which immediately touched everyone.

Even those who were reluctant at first had nothing to say.

After all, Liu Ke's achievements are recognized by everyone.

Moreover, Liu Ke now sits on ten of the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty.

Even if he really established himself as emperor, no one can stop him.

However, at this moment, when Liu Ke was faced with the throne that was at his fingertips, he unexpectedly refused.

This kind of performance, on the contrary, made Baiguan admire him even more.

At this time, Xi Xi suddenly knelt down and said in tears: "His Royal Highness, we all see your achievements.

Now that foreign thieves are on the lookout, and the country is in danger, for the sake of our ancestors and the people of the world, I kneel down and ask you to ascend the throne. "

Then other ministers who supported Liu Ke's ascension to the throne also knelt down together, and their actions also inspired others.

For a moment, almost all the officials in Weiyang Palace knelt down and begged, only a few people were still standing on the spot.

Facing everyone's request, Liu Ke's expression was very ugly.

He suddenly let out a long sigh: "Hey! I have no intention of claiming to be an emperor at all, you are so aggressive?

Are you going to put me in a place of infidelity? "

"His Royal Highness the King of Chu, it's not that the lower officials are coercing you, but you are worried about the people in the world, especially the people in Liangzhou, Yizhou and Jingzhou who are still in the enemy's hands.

Always in dire straits.Only when you ascend the throne as the emperor can you lead the tiger and recover the rivers and mountains!

Please don't refuse the king of Chu again! "

After Liu Ke heard this, his heart moved, but he still controlled himself at the last moment.

He immediately pretended to be angry and his face darkened.

Angry and helpless, he said: "You guys are really trying to force each other to make such a rebellious act alone! Sigh!"

Liu Ke let out a long sigh, walked away, and left the Dachaohui.

His face was very ugly, and everyone present did not dare to stop him.

He could only watch Chu Wang Liu Ke leave.

Some people even saw the king of Chu get so angry, and thought it was because he flattered his hoof.

Immediately, he thought of the scene of the guards in black all over the city arresting people yesterday, and became afraid after each one started.

The most shocking ones are naturally Xi Ji and Liu Ai, the people in charge of organizing and planning the Great Court Meeting.

The two of you looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't pay attention.

Moreover, the purpose of the Dachaohui was to invite Xiandi Chan to be located in the King of Chu, and now the protagonists have left.

After this turmoil, there is no need for everyone to continue participating.

Even Emperor Xian was a little sluggish at the moment.

He originally thought that he would be able to relax by giving up the throne Zen to Liu Ke.

Unexpectedly, the king of Chu unexpectedly did not accept it.

This, on the contrary, embarrassed him.

Therefore, with a full stomach full of problems, Emperor Xian waved his sleeves and said: "I am tired, and today's grand court meeting is over.

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