Ladies and gentlemen, let's go back too! "

With that said, he left Weiyang Palace first.

Seeing this, the others naturally left here one by one without interest.

Xi Xi didn't leave immediately with the crowd, because he thought there must be a key point in this matter that he hadn't understood.

So he deliberately winked at Liu Ai, signaling him to gather again tonight to discuss countermeasures.

King Dongping and several others also received a signal from Chi Xi.

This time, suddenly a person came slowly and patted Xi Ji on the shoulder.

Originally, Xi Xi had a ghost in his heart, and he was thinking about it at the moment.

This moment made him tremble with fright.

Xi Xi looked back and found a person looking at him with a smile.

It turned out to be Sikong Zhao Wen.

"Zirou, you scared me to death!"

Xi Xi said blamingly.

But from the looks of it, the relationship between the two seems to be pretty good.

Zhao Wen said with a smile on his face, "What? Are you feeling sad about something?"

Xi Xi was surprised, he didn't expect the other party to speak out his thoughts in one go.

But he still denied it.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Wen laughed: "Hehe, Hongyu, don't hide it.

We have known each other for at least ten years.Do you have something on your mind? I still can't see it! "

Seeing this, Xi Xi knew that he could no longer hide it.

He looked around, and suddenly whispered: "This is not a place to talk, if Zirou really knows my heart, I will come to the house to have a talk at Haishi tonight!"

After finishing speaking, Xi Ji no longer cared whether the other party answered or not, turned his head and hurriedly left Weiyang Palace.

Besides, Liu Ke, King of Chu, has perfectly adhered to the spirit of performing a full set since he wants to act.

After leaving Weiyang Palace, immediately return to Chu Palace.

And as soon as he returned, he closed the door of the mansion and hung a signboard to thank the guests.

He said that since then, he has closed the door to thank guests and declined all personnel exchanges.

This is naturally also a part of the plan, to show that he really has no intention of the throne and does not accept anyone's lobbying.

Of course, these are just to keep those officials in Chang'an out of the door.

As for his own staff, they can enter the mansion through other channels.

At this moment, Lu Xun, Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang, Jia Xu, Xun Yu, Pang Tong and others who rushed back together had gathered together.

It was Zhuge Liang who spoke first.

He only heard him say: "Your Majesty, your performance just now really made Liang admire him.

This on-the-spot performance was flawless. At this moment, I believe that everyone already knows the original intention of the king. "

Liu Ke was a little embarrassed to be praised by Zhuge Liang at the moment.

He said proudly: "How about it, the performance of the Lonely King just now is enough to win an Oscar!"

"what card?"

Naturally, no one else could understand the ranking that Liu Ke spoke of.

Liu Ke also knew that he had slipped his tongue, so he laughed and passed.

He continued: "If you hadn't said before that you would make Gu Wang humble and cautious. In today's scene, Gu Zhen could hardly bear it and agreed.

But if this is the case, can others persist? "

Speaking of which, Liu Ke was really worried.

If other people can't see their own thoughts and mistake humility for rejection, don't mention it again.

At that time, it will be Liu Ke himself who will regret it.

Regarding Liu Ke's worries, the current counselors are not worried at all.

Xun Yu smiled and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry, it is said that in ancient Tang Yao Zen was located in Yu Shun, and Shun did not accept three speeches.

In the end, all the subjects forced each other, and they reluctantly agreed.

Although we don't need our subjects to force each other, we still have to do some foreplay.

Now is only the first step, the next is more critical.

But don't worry, Your Majesty, we have already planned all these plans.

Even if other people can't see through it, we still have a way to make them see it through and execute it according to our plan! "

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