Xie hereby comforts the ancestors and is willing to abdicate the throne to the king of Chu.

These words are from the bottom of my heart, and my ancestors are above me, so I dare not hide anything from them.

If the ancestors have spirits, be sure to bless them! "

After Emperor Xian finished speaking, he bowed three times and kowtowed nine times respectfully.

Then he didn't get up, just knelt down in front of the ancestral tablet.

In this way, Emperor Xian knelt in front of the ancestral tablet to pray during the day, and slept next to him at night to watch the spirit.

And eat only two meals a day, all vegetarian.

Repeatedly, every day.

Due to kneeling every day, the whole person passed out several times.

In this way, ten days finally passed.

During this time, the entire city of Chang'an was already full of wind and rain.

Because seeing Emperor Xian's performance, everyone knew that he was serious this time.

Before, there were still some people who believed that the reason why Emperor Xian became Zen was because he was coerced by the king of Chu, which was not what he wanted.

Even some veteran officials resisted the behavior of King Chu and defended Emperor Xian.

But now his performance has shattered such rumors.

If it was not from the heart, I am afraid that no one would do such a thing.

In order to show the sincerity of the Zen position, Emperor Xian knelt in the Taimiao to pray every day, and fainted several times, which was not coerced.

Therefore, the old officials who didn't understand at first were all moved by the practice of Xiandi.

In their view, Emperor Xian would even give up the throne for the sake of the eternal status of the great Han.

Then, loyal ministers like myself who usually call themselves big men, what complaints can they have?

If you continue to entangle, it will appear that people like yourself are disregarding the country.

Therefore, these people think that they can no longer sit down like this.

Some people also rushed to the Taimiao and knelt outside the door to accompany Emperor Xian.

At first there were only a few people, but later more and more gathered.

When Emperor Xian finished his ten-day prayer, countless civil and military ministers gathered outside the gate of the Taimiao.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When a ray of sunlight in the morning shone through the window lattice and entered the Taimiao Grand Ceremony, the door creaked and was opened from the outside.

The Yellow Gate ordered Ye Gonggong to come in from the door lightly.

In front of him, there is a thin-looking figure from the back, kneeling upright in front of the ranks of the previous emperors of the Han Dynasty.

This back figure is Xiandi.

He also knew that today was the last day, so he knelt for a whole night until now.

Eunuch Ye came to Emperor Xian and said softly, "Your Majesty, the ten-day period has come."

When Emperor Xian heard this, he nodded slightly and was about to get up.

But after kneeling all night, her legs were already numb, so she couldn't use her strength.

Therefore, Emperor Xian just got up, but suddenly his legs gave way and he was about to fall to the ground.

Fortunately, Eunuch Ye had been prepared and hurried forward to help him, so that Emperor Xian didn't fall to the ground.

Afterwards, Emperor Xian got used to it for a while, and finally regained his strength.

He bowed deeply to the ancestral tablet again, and then turned and walked out of the hall.

When Emperor Xian walked out, he was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.

"You guys, what are you doing?"

He looked at the hundreds of ministers kneeling on the ground in front of him, and couldn't help crying out.

When everyone saw Emperor Xian, they immediately bowed three times and kowtowed nine times, shouting in unison: "Your Majesty is worried about the country, how can we wait and watch.

I am here to pray with His Majesty, hoping to move God! "

When Emperor Xian heard this, he couldn't help but shed a line of tears.

Looking at the ministers in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

No matter what their purpose is, being able to stay with Taimiao for so long is enough to show that these people still have a heart for the big man.

Therefore, Emperor Xian said from the bottom of his heart: "I know your intentions, all you gentlemen, get up!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to support Taiwei Yang Biao, Sikong Zhao Wen and others who were kneeling at the front.

And Taiwei Yang Biao was in tears at the moment.

Looking at Emperor Xian's thin face, he couldn't help but sadly said: "Your Majesty, in just ten days, you have already become so emaciated.

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