It really made the old minister feel unbearable! "

Yang Biao can be said to be a veteran of the Han Dynasty, and he was already a court humerus when he was Emperor Ling.

After Emperor Xian succeeded to the throne, he served him even more loyally. It can even be said that he watched Emperor Xian grow up.

Therefore, he naturally knows Emperor Xian best, knowing that Emperor Xian is not willing to do so, it is really impossible.

This is why he has always been loyal to Xiandi.

So at the beginning, when the ministers asked for the Emperor's Zen throne, he firmly opposed it.

Seeing Emperor Xian's thin face now, he finally changed his mind.

"Your Majesty, you have been in the Taimiao for so long, for the sake of the dragon body, you should go back to the palace to rest first!"

Yang Biao said from the bottom of his heart.

However, Xiandi's words were unexpected.

"No, Taiwei, even though I'm going to the Chu Palace, I want to beg the Chu King face to face."

After speaking, he walked forward firmly.

When Yang Biao saw this, he didn't dare to stop him, but he immediately called for the chariot and helped Emperor Xian into the chariot.

On the other hand, he held the shaft of the chariot, accompanied by Sikong, Zhao Wen and others.

The other ministers followed closely behind Luanjia, and walked towards the Chu Palace in a mighty manner.

As the crowd continued to approach Chu Palace, the entire Chang'an City was alarmed.

After some people heard the whole story, they spontaneously followed the team and walked together.

Therefore, when he came to the gate of King Chu's Mansion, he could see that there were people in the dark.

The Chu Palace is still closed, and the wooden sign engraved with the word "Thank you" is still hanging high in front of the door.

But when they saw the emperor coming, the guards at the door were so frightened that they immediately opened the door and knelt down to meet him.

The other one rushed to the mansion to inform.

After a while, I saw a person running from the mansion, that is Liu Ke, king of Chu.

Liu can see that Emperor Xian came to greet him immediately.

He even said in his mouth: "The minister actually let His Majesty come here, it is really damn, and invites His Majesty to enter the mansion."

Emperor Xian looked around, but said with a smile: "King Chu, thank you behind closed doors for the past few days.

You don't know I'm here, so you don't have to blame me.But I will not enter the mansion, this place is spacious.

It was a good time to have all civil and military officials and the people of the entire Chang'an city witness. "

Liu Ke put on a terrified expression and said: "If your majesty has any orders, please let me know!"

Upon seeing this, Taiwei Yang Biao immediately told the story of Emperor Xian, fasting and bathing, and praying in the Taimiao for ten days for the sake of the Zen throne.

Liu Ke was even more terrified when he heard this, and bluntly said that the death penalty made His Majesty do this.

Emperor Xian said with a gentle face: "King Chu, I am doing this for the sake of the Han Dynasty and the common people in the world.

I also hope that the king of Chu will not have to refuse any more, accept my Zen position, ascend to the great treasure as soon as possible, and revive the country! "

"Please King Chu ascend the Great Treasure early and revive the country!"

All the officials in the audience also shouted in unison.

Not only that, even the common people present were mobilized, and they all knelt down on the ground, shouting for the king of Chu to ascend the throne!

Seeing such a scene, Liu Ke couldn't help crying.

But he said: "Your Majesty is so kind, I really can't refuse. However, I have no intention of being emperor, so Your Majesty should not force you."

"King Chu, don't you just have the heart to see the living beings hanging upside down, and the country being overwhelmed with eggs?"

At this time, Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia, Lu Bu, Dian Wei and other civil servants and generals of the king of Chu also came over.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty's words are emotional, and I hope your Majesty will accept your Majesty's Zen seat for the sake of the common people in the world!

Respectfully invite the king of Chu to ascend the throne! "

At this moment, these people from the Yangzhou faction also shouted together.

Now everyone knelt down on the ground and looked at Liu Ke expectantly.

Liu Ke looked at Emperor Xian, then at the officials and common people present, his face full of embarrassment.

In the end, he let out a long sigh, turned around and hurried back to the mansion.

When Emperor Xian saw this, he couldn't help but lamented: "Ah! Could it be that the King of Chu really had the heart to see the people in dire straits?

Is it true that God really wants to exterminate my Han system?The twenty-fourth generation of the former emperors of the Han Dynasty, can't your spirits in the sky also change the mind of the King of Chu? "

Amidst Emperor Xian's wailing, the common people in the audience couldn't help wiping away their tears.

They are the most aware of King Chu's benevolence.

At this time, Zhuge Liang stepped forward to help Emperor Xian, and said softly: "Your Majesty, I have a plan to change the mind of the King of Chu."

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