As the saying goes: It is hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.It seems that I really met today!

No matter how capable Zhao Wen is, it is impossible for him to make money.

He also had no choice but to sigh heavily: "Hey! Is this the only way to go? If the King of Chu blames me, it will end badly for you and me!"

So I saw Zhao Wen and Zhang Yin, you looked at me, I looked at you, but I couldn't come up with a plan!

However, at this moment, an untimely laughter suddenly sounded.

Zhao Wen looked a little displeased, and found that it was Xun Yu who was laughing.

"Wen Ruo, what do you mean? Are you laughing at us?"

"Don't dare! Mr. Zhao, I'm just laughing at you for sitting on the treasure mountain without knowing it, and instead making things difficult for you."

"This? Wen Ruo, do you have a solution?" Zhao Wen immediately looked at the other party eagerly as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

At this time, instead of explaining, Xun Yu asked instead: "What is the function of the meditation altar you built this time?"

"Of course it's used by His Majesty's Zen in the King of Chu!" Zhang Yin gave the answer immediately.

"That's it! So the treasury has no money, but the king of Chu is the most powerful in the world.

Don't you want to change your mind? "

Zhao Wen was the first to react.

His eyes lit up in an instant, and he said in surprise, "What Wen Ruo said is very true. If the King of Chu is helping you, then what difficulties do we have to resist?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhao Wen understood what Xun Yu meant, but he was confused: "Although the King of Chu is rich, this time is His Majesty's request after all.

How dare you bother the King of Chu?What's more, even if we show our old faces, there is no one to recommend us, so we can't see the king of Chu. "

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly looked at Xun Yu in front of him.

Isn't this person a close minister of the King of Chu?Wouldn't it work if he was there?

In fact, the reason why Xun Yu said what he just said was to wake up the other party.

After all, this Zen throne ceremony is related to the majesty of the King of Chu, and I, the close ministers of the King of Chu, have to consider it even more.

However, he couldn't be so active, so as not to be thought that this matter was the king of Chu's anxiety about the throne and his own plan.

That's why he used this method.

Now, since Zhao Wen has figured it out, he naturally smiled and nodded in approval.

"Wen Ruo, then I will trouble you a lot this time. Take me to see King Chu tomorrow and report in person!"

Zhao Wen looked at Xun Yu eagerly.

But Xun Yu shook his head and said, "You can't ask the King of Chu for this matter! Your Majesty himself doesn't agree with the Zen seat.

If you were looking for him, wouldn't it be a pleasure to find him yourself? "

"Then what should I do?" Zhao Wen really had no choice this time, and his expression was almost the same as Zhang Yin's.

Xun Yu said calmly: "If Mr. Zhao can trust me, let me solve this problem!

However, my only request is to triple the size of the meditation platform, and the floor height must be at least nine feet.

Otherwise, there is no way to show the dignity of the king of Chu! "

Zhao Wen was overjoyed when he heard that Xun Yu had taken this matter over.

"If Wen Ruo is here, I will have no worries! But, Wen Ruo, don't force yourself.

I am already an old bone, you are still young, and you still have a great time, so don't let this ruin your future. "

When Xun Yu heard the words, he couldn't help being moved in his heart.

Although during the war years, the family friend in front of me had less contact with him before.

But just based on this sentence, it can be seen that Zhao Wen has feelings for him.

Xun Yu nodded, saying that it was okay, which made Zhao Wen feel relieved.

In fact, the resources mobilized just to build a meditation platform will not affect Xun Yu's future at all.

With his current authority, let alone building one, even ten will not be blamed.

What's more, this is for his own lord. I'm afraid that as long as he climbs up and shouts, countless people will rush to help.

Sure enough, Xun Yu took the initiative to find Zhong Yao the next day, and now he is in charge of internal affairs and is in charge of money and food.

Zhong Yao was originally recommended by Xun Yu to the Chu king's camp, so he has always respected him very much.

At first, when I heard that Xun Yu asked for money, I was a little confused.

After all, in his impression, Xun Yu was not such a person.

So he listened patiently, and then he realized that Xun Yu was in order to build the altar for meditation.

The Zen platform was originally used by the king of Chu, but for the king of Chu to ascend the throne, these subordinates of himself are naturally like chickens and dogs ascending to heaven.

So Zhong Yao also supported this from the bottom of his heart.

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