When he heard that Xun Yu disliked the stinginess of the meditation altar designed by the imperial court, that's why he wanted to expand it.

Without hesitation, he waved his hand and awarded Xun Yu [-] yuan.

This is also the greatest authority in Zhong Yao's hands, and it is more than enough to build a meditation platform.

Afterwards, Xun Yu immediately drove his horse towards Baling.

The army of the King of Chu is now all stationed in Ba Ling, and there are thousands of artisans accompanying the army at the same time.

These people are all good at building ladders, chariots, and crossbows, so building platforms will not be a problem for them.

As soon as Xun Yu entered the big tent, he was immediately surrounded by a group of generals.

"Ling Jun, when will the King of Chu summon me to go?"

"Yeah, I've been in the big camp for so long, I'm so suffocated! Are you here to call us back this time?"

The generals said to you, and I said to you, Xun Yu wanted to rush out of the crowd, but found that these people were all strong and strong, and he was no match for him.

He had no choice but to raise his voice suddenly, and shouted, "Shut up, all of you!"

Xun Yu is usually gentle, but now he is very frightening when he gets angry.

Those generals who dared to single-handedly rush into the thousands of troops were all frightened by his yelling like obedient kittens, looking at him pitifully one by one.

"Everyone, don't worry, when the time is right, the King of Chu will summon all the generals to enter Chang'an.

Today I am not here for this matter, but for something more important! "

With that voice just now, none of the generals dared to speak, but they all looked at him suspiciously.

Later, Xun Yu told the news that manpower was needed to build the meditation altar.

Unexpectedly, this statement caused the pot to explode again.

"What's so difficult about it, these soldiers under my command are enough!"

The first one to speak was Lu Bu. As General Zhengxi, he had [-] soldiers under his command, so it was no problem to build a platform.

But how can the other generals let him monopolize this credit?

Zhao Yun, who is usually gentle and courteous, stepped forward: "Why don't you take care of this matter first, I alone will be enough!"

Lu Bu's eyes widened immediately when he saw someone rushing to attack, but Zhao Yun was not afraid at all.

But before Lu Bu could speak, another person said: "Zilong, you have cavalry under your command, how can you build a platform?

Let me go, these people under me are good at attacking cities, and they are even better at building platforms! "

All the generals are vying with each other, not giving in to each other, the scene is so intense, those who don't know think how big a battle is going to be fought for?

If this continues, I am afraid that it will not be possible to produce results in a day.

In the end Xun Yu had no choice but to roll the roll.

"Fengxian, you are in charge of craftsmen carving; Zilong, you are in charge of building buildings; Meng Qi, you are in charge of vehicles and horses to transport materials;

Wenyuan, you are in charge of leveling the site; Ziyi, Han Sheng, you are still stationed here, and you will lead the army to the site on the day of the Zen seat.

But the thing is to say, the construction period is only one month, if anyone delays, whoever will be forced to do it by military law! "

The generals responded immediately: "I am willing to issue a military order. If it affects the construction period, I am willing to be punished!"

When Xun Yu saw him, he nodded in satisfaction, then counted the manpower, and surrounded by all the generals, he rushed towards Chang'an.

These are all brave generals on the battlefield, but at this moment they all turned into workers, sweating profusely on the construction site.

Although they lost their status and the conditions were difficult, none of these people complained.

Because they all know that this altar to receive meditation was built for the king of Chu.

As long as it is for the King of Chu, they will die very calmly.

There was even an episode.

Dian Wei, who had originally entered Chang'an with the King of Chu, heard that all the generals had come to work on the construction site.

He immediately volunteered and rushed over.

But in order to avoid being discovered, he took off his shirt and mixed into the crowd to carry the stone himself.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With the concerted efforts of all the generals, the progress of the project is very fast.

In just ten days, the basic part of the meditation platform has been completed.

However, this is only the rammed earth inside, and a layer of white marble marble is also built on the outside.

Only in this way can we better understand the majesty of the King of Chu and the atmosphere of the new emperor.

These marbles were all mined deep in the Qinling Mountains, where there was originally a mine.

It was only abandoned due to war, this time Xun Yu mobilized hundreds of craftsmen to repair and mine.

After the mined ore is transported to the construction site by boiling water, the artisans here will carry out further trimming and carving.

When the entire meditation altar is covered with white marble, under the sunlight, it looks like a fairy platform, which is fascinating.

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