A month later, all the works were finally completed.

In a flat land of more than [-] mu, a meditation altar with a height of more than nine feet stands in it.

Every local official who enters Chang'an, even standing in the distance when passing by it, can be shocked by the prestige emanating from it.

In the past few days, Chang'an City has become more and more lively, and all the prefects and shepherds from all over the country have arrived.

At the same time, there were also envoys from the Xiongnu, Xianbei, and Siyi, and Chang'an returned to its former grandeur for a while.

Some old ministers couldn't help but burst into tears when they saw it, as if recalling the previous period when the country was at its peak.

At the same time, they respected King Chu more and more, because without him, it would be impossible for so many people to come.

Tomorrow is the auspicious day for the established Zen throne, as early as three days ago, Emperor Xian fasted and prayed again.

This time he was not trying to impress King Chu, but was worried about his own life.

After all, once you are in Zen position, it is useless.

If the King of Chu turned his face and was ruthless, he would have no choice but to kill him.

It's just a pity that the queen Cao Jie, who is always by her side, and the child in her womb.

Even the queen became more and more uneasy.

Although Master Xun You had promised himself before, he would keep Emperor Xian safe and secure.

But there are still some worries at the end of the day.

But in the end, the queen finally figured it out.

The king of Chu was able to win most of the world today, thanks to the advancement of his soldiers, Yang Wu, who all dared to sacrifice.

Being able to attract so many people shows that King Chu is still very benevolent.

Then he should not regret what he promised himself.

In fact, then again, even if you repent, you have nothing to do.

So instead of continuing to worry about gains and losses here, it is better to let go of your heart and concentrate on resting for a night.

As for the fate of the future, we will see tomorrow.

So, the queen not only got up, but also took Emperor Xian to rest together.

Under her comfort, Emperor Xian's uneasy heart gradually calmed down, and he finally had a peaceful sleep.

However, he got up in the early morning of the second day, and then put on the mianfu under Ye Gonggong's clothes, and wore the twelve crowns on his head.

Then he sat on the dragon chariot and went straight to the Zen platform in the south of the city.

And behind him, there were two more people who attracted special attention, each holding a tray in their hands.

One is an eunuch, holding a brand new set of dragon robes and crowns.

This suit is the same as the one worn by Emperor Xian, but the new one was made overnight during this month.

No need to guess, it is naturally specially prepared for the King of Chu.

The other person is an official, holding a half-foot-square lacquer box with various auspicious patterns on it.

This person is Fu Baolang Zubi, and what he holds in his hand is naturally the Jade Seal of Chuanguo.

When Emperor Xian and his party walked out of the gate of the Forbidden Palace, all the officials were already waiting here.

They immediately joined the team respectfully and followed Emperor Xian closely.

Although the meditation platform is in the outskirts, it is already full of people.

There are not only gentry and common people, but also envoys from the barbarians.

Among them, Wusun, Loulan, Kangju, Dayuezhi, Qiuci, Xiaowan, Jingjue and other thirty-six countries of the Western Regions have all been present.

Speaking of which, there is a Liangzhou occupied by Cao Cao between them and Chang'an.

It was impossible to come here, but these people came from the Xianbei Prairie by detour in order to express their sincerity.

This shows the sincerity of these people.

In fact, it's not that they are so self-conscious, it's all because of the previous battle in Youzhou.

In that war, the Guishuang Empire, which dominated the Western Regions, suffered a crushing defeat, and the emperor was directly captured in Yangzhou and made a slave.

When the news of the great war was transmitted back to the Western Regions, it instantly frightened all the countries.

Originally, some had fallen to Guishuang and abandoned the big man, but now they regret it even more.

This ceremony of the Zen position naturally became an opportunity for them to express their loyalty and get closer to the big man again.

Not only the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions, but even Guishuang sent envoys.

In addition, Xianbei, Karasuma, Fuyu, Wanu Kingdom, and Goguryeo, which had long been conquered by the king of Chu, also sent envoys.

They are countries that have really been taught by the king of Chu.

At this moment, they are all like docile little white rabbits, even better than Liu Ke's own subordinates.

This naturally reminded Xun Yu of what the King of Chu had said to him before.

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