Yidi, like beasts, are fearful of power but not virtuous, strong will be invaded by bandits, weak and humble, disregarding kindness and righteousness, their nature is also!

Looking at it now, it doesn't look bad at all.

Just like the envoys of the Guishuang Kingdom, where there is still the arrogance before, they followed the other envoys carefully, imitating everything, for fear of making a wrong step.

In addition, the soldiers who came most often were the soldiers of the King of Chu.

The army set off from Ba Ling yesterday, and when the vanguard arrived here, the rear of the line was still in Ba Ling.

It can be seen that there are so many soldiers under the king of Chu.

And this is only part of it, there are still soldiers stationed at various border passes.

But there are already half a million soldiers and horses in these, with banners covering the sun and a great momentum, everyone can't help but change their faces when they see them.

Especially those officials in Chang'an.

Some people had been favored by Cao Cao before, and even hoped that the other party could return.

But after seeing the overwhelming bravery in front of him, he finally despaired in his heart.

Back then, in order to show off his might, Cao Cao once held a field hunt to show off his military appearance.

But that time was far inferior to this moment, just like a bandit meeting a regular army.

Only now did Sikong and Zhao Wen understand why Xun Yu insisted on building a nine-foot-high altar for meditation.

With the scene in front of me, the small three-foot-high platform designed before is simply not enough to look at.

Now he couldn't help but sweat secretly in his heart.

If Xun Yu hadn't happened to be in the mansion that day, according to the previous plan, Emperor Xian would probably go mad on the spot and cut himself off to sacrifice to heaven!

Zhao Wen immediately wiped the sweat from his forehead secretly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

All the people who participated in the meditation ceremony have all arrived.

Xiandi's dragon chariot also listened at the foot of the meditation platform.

However, Emperor Xian was not in a hurry to go on stage at this moment, but stood in the audience and waited patiently.

In front of him, the altar for receiving meditation, which was built of white marble and soared into the sky, was so magnificent that he couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion.

Then when he looked at the soldiers all over the sky and fields in the distance, Emperor Xian couldn't help but his face changed slightly.

So many sergeants are enough to prove the strength of King Chu.

But when he thought about it again, he relaxed even more.

The king of Chu has strong soldiers and strong horses, and he is better than able to clean up the mountains and rivers and revive the country.

A hundred years later, I'm afraid that even I, the sage who took the initiative to surrender, will leave a virtuous name in the history books.

Thinking of this, Emperor Xian felt a slight expectation in his heart.

After all, he is a puppet emperor. During his reign, the country was divided and the rivers and rivers fell. He is destined to not have a good reputation.

But now just giving the king of Chu the Zen position will instantly restore his reputation.

Afterwards, Emperor Xian made some checks, and finally ordered the three princes to come forward, and they, together, replaced Emperor Xian to meet the King of Chu.

Taiwei Yang Biao, Sikong Zhao Wen, and Situ Chunyu Jia immediately came out and rode their horses to the Chu Palace.

Although until now, the king of Chu still thanked the guests behind closed doors.

But how could he not know what happened here.

In fact, Liu Ke himself was equally excited. After all, if there were no other people, he would have already ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.

But now is good, although it has been delayed for a while, but it has won the respect of the world, and it can be regarded as gaining and losing.

Since traveling through the chaotic times of the Three Kingdoms, starting from a declining royal family, it is only one step away from becoming the king of the world now.

Liu Ke was also filled with emotions, and couldn't help but sigh that fate is really impermanent.

At the same time, his heart was filled with passion.

Therefore, Liu Ke is different from these people in the Three Kingdoms period. He has received modern knowledge education.

Naturally, he knew that his eyes could not be limited to the small Han Dynasty Thirteen States.

After I unify the country again, there will be Guishuang, Anxi, Rome, and the whole of Europe, Africa and America.

Therefore, for others, the reunification of the great man is the end of this life's struggle.

But for Liu Ke, this is just the beginning.

He wants to plant the banner of the big man all over the world!

At this time, San Gong finally arrived, and Qi Qi waited at the gate of Chu Palace.

Liu Ke, who was full of pride, finally stopped coddling, and he took the lead in striding out.

When Sangong saw Liu Ke, he immediately knelt down on the ground, welcomed him onto the dragon chariot, and followed the crowd to face the saint.

Liu Ke knew their purpose, so he didn't point it out, and just jumped into the dragon chariot.

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