Along the way, Liu Ke kept complaining.

"This dragon chariot is really difficult to sit on. It walks slowly, and the seat is hard. After sitting for a long time, my whole butt hurts.

I don't know who invented it.It seems that I still need to improve it in the future. "

When Liu Ke was still debating whether to add the skin or stuff the cotton, Long Nian had finally arrived at the meditation platform.

Everyone waited here respectfully, and when they saw the King of Chu coming, they all knelt down to greet him.

For a moment, hundreds of thousands of people knelt down in unison. I am afraid that some people will never forget this scene.

However, at this moment, the only person standing on the court is the present Emperor Xiandi.

Emperor Xian didn't need to kneel, and Emperor Xian couldn't kneel either.

Because he is still the emperor now, representing the highest emperor in the entire Han Empire.

If the son of heaven kneels down to the kings, it will not only break the etiquette system, but also shame the word emperor.

Therefore, only he is still standing under the meditation platform.

After Liu Ke walked in, Emperor Xian took his hand and walked towards the meditation altar together.

The nine-foot-high platform is now thirty meters high, the height of a ten-story building.

The two walked up slowly and walked for a quarter of an hour before finally reaching the stage.

Accompanying them were Zu Bi and others holding jade seals and crown clothes.

After a group of people climbed to the top, Guang Luxun, who had been waiting on the stage for a long time, began to recite the imperial edict in his hand.

This time it was the same Zen edict, but the words were more earnest.

Xi Xi's voice was unexpectedly loud and condescending, and it reached everyone's ears.

After the imperial edict was read out, some people could not tell the difference, and gave Liu Ke a change of clothes and crowns.

In a blink of an eye, Liu Ke was also fully dressed, just like Emperor Xian.

But Emperor Xian took off his crown directly in public, not daring to wear it with the King of Chu.

Then he took the Chuanguo Yuxi from Fu Baolang Zubi, and presented it to Liu Ke respectfully with both hands.

Liu Ke wanted to say something, but Emperor Xian said: "Your Majesty, please don't refuse, so as not to hurt the morale of the soldiers!"

Looking at the dark crowd under the stage, especially the expectation and admiration for themselves in the eyes of these people.

Liu Ke finally let go of his raised hand, and someone behind him accepted the Jade Seal of Chuanguo on his behalf.

Then another person began to read Liu Ke's enthronement edict.

This imperial edict was written by Chen Lin herself, with thousands of words eloquently. It is not only brilliant in writing, but also narrates Liu Ke's achievements one by one.

People who didn't know Liu Ke before finally understood his firm belief in entrepreneurship and his extraordinary achievements.

As a result, everyone respected Liu Ke even more.

After the enthronement edict was read out, Emperor Xian took the lead and knelt down in front of Liu Ke.

"Kowtow to Your Majesty, long live Your Majesty, long live, long live!"

Driven by him, everyone in the audience immediately knelt down and shouted long live three times in unison.

So far, King Liu Ke of Chu has officially ascended the throne as emperor.

At this time, Taiwei Yang Biao suddenly said: "There are no two days, and there are no two masters for the people. Now that the King of Chu inherits the Datong, how to arrange for Emperor Xian, please make an order!"

The Taiwei still has his heart for Liu Xie, after all, he has served for so many years and has a deep affection.

Therefore, Liu Xie listened and cast a grateful look.

Liu Ke was not angry about Taiwei's untimely behavior.

He himself didn't want to do anything to Emperor Xian.

With the other party's cooperation, I won't be able to do anything.

Therefore, Liu Ke issued his first imperial edict after he ascended the throne.

"Xiandi Liu Xie, Zen is located in Zhen, and these achievements can be compared with Tang Yao, Yu and Shun.

I specially named him the king of Shanyang, with ten thousand households in the city, ranking above all the princes and kings.

If you don't profess to be a minister, you don't worship after receiving the imperial edict, you still wear the emperor's car uniform, and you can become a vassal from now on. "

When Liu Xie heard the decree, he wept with joy.

Because he originally thought that as long as Liu Ke could spare his life, he would be content.

Now he is still conferred the title of King of Shanyang, and he is naturally very grateful for such a high status.

This time, he finally bowed to Liu Ke three times and kowtowed nine times from the bottom of his heart, and was finally supported by Liu Ke.

In fact, the reason for this arrangement is because Liu Xie's fief is in the place under his control.

It's like an iron bucket that he has been running for a long time, and the other party can't make any waves.

And it is absolutely impossible for the forces of the other three families to reach there.

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