-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The conference of accepting Zen was finally successfully concluded, and Liu Ke and Emperor Xian completed the transfer of power under the ceremonies of the people all over the world.

Since then, there has been no emperor Xiandi.

The only emperor in the world today is Liu Ke.

The next day, in Weiyang Palace, a grand court meeting will be held soon.

But this time is different from the previous one. Today, there are no ghosts, and everyone is very cautious.

Moreover, there are more people today than last time.

You must know that most of Liu Ke's subordinates were not present last time.

But today is different, when their lord ascends the throne, they are the pillars of the court in the future.

After Emperor Xian returned to the palace yesterday, he tidied up everything overnight, and now Weiyang Palace is clean.

Today Liu Ke was still wearing yesterday's crown robe, and slowly walked onto the dragon chair under the watchful eyes of civil and military officials.

The officials immediately knelt down and shouted long live.

After the ceremony, Liu Ke began to issue orders officially in the name of the Son of Heaven.

The first imperial decree is the personnel adjustment of the current court.

He had just ascended the throne, but Liu Ke didn't immediately take those officials who were eating vegetarian meals with corpses immediately.

But it is absolutely impossible for them to be reused again.

In the imperial decree issued by Liu Ke, almost all the newly appointed officials are those under his own hands.

They had already held real power before, and this time they were only adjusted from the official positions under the king of Chu to the official positions of the big man.

But this is already a few levels up.

Everyone was very excited, only those veterans looked bitter.

The so-called one emperor and one courtier, they also understand their next situation.

But Liu Ke is different from Emperor Xian. Emperor Xian has no soldiers and no food, so naturally let them handle it.

The new emperor has strong soldiers and horses, and famous generals like clouds, so who dares to have any complaints?

So those people can only pray that they will be satisfied without being operated on at this moment.

Later, Liu Ke began to enfeoff the Siyi vassal state again.

Himihu of the Japanese kingdom was granted the title of Japanese Nu King, Ke Bineng of Xianbei was granted the title of King of Dingbian, and Tadun Shanyu of the Huns was given the title of King of Jingbian.

All the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions were crowned kings and marquises, and even King Guishuang was brought from Yangzhou by Liu Ke.

Liu Kenian has performed well during this time and named him King Guishuang.

These rewards are only a name, and in the future they still need to pay tribute every year and make pilgrimages every year.

At this time, a person flashed out from the crowd and said loudly: "Your Majesty, there are still three kings who refuse to obey the emperor's order, and no one was sent to watch the Zen throne ceremony.

How to deal with this, please show Your Majesty! "

As soon as Liu Ke heard it, he naturally knew which three families, but he still pretended not to know and asked: "Wen Ruo, which three families are they?"

"These three families are Cao Cao, King of Wei, Liu Bei, King of Hanzhong, and Sun Ce, King of Xiangyang."

At this time, Liu Ke frowned, and said: "I heard that Gaozu has an order, and there are kings with different surnames, and the world will discuss it together.

I am afraid that the king of Wei and the king of Xiangyang are not surnamed Liu! "

Although Liu Ke asked the question knowingly, he immediately took up the righteousness.

Who knows the ancestral precepts left by the great ancestor Liu Bang?

It's just that now that the Han Dynasty is in decline, those people are so confident.

But after Liu Ke took over, the result was very different.

He has the ability and more strength to solve the current mess.

Facing the new emperor's questioning, Da Honglu, Xu Que, who was in charge of the affairs of the princes and vassals, couldn't help but tremble all over.

Because all three of them became kings during his tenure.

So if he gets to the bottom of it, he will bear the greatest responsibility.

Xu Yu hurriedly knelt down and played back: "Your Majesty, these three people hold the military power by relying on their hands, and they rule one side separately. If they don't serve the emperor, they all stand on their own thrones.

Emperor Xian was supposed to be attacked, but he was short of troops, so he had to let it go.

The whole story, I dare not speak in vain, I hope His Majesty will forgive me! "

Of course Liu Ke understood how these people got the throne.

In fact, didn't he also establish himself as the king himself, and then he presented himself to the emperor?

But it was possible before, but now that he ascended the throne, it is absolutely impossible to allow the existence of these people.

Therefore, Liu Ke said softly: "Da Honglu, since this is the case, I naturally don't blame you.

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