But how should these people be dealt with now? "

Xu Wei knew that now was the time when he had to express his opinion.

He immediately replied with a firm tone: "This time the three kings did not participate in the ceremony of accepting meditation, so they all shied away from Lu Yuanshan Yao.

But one month later, it was the annual Gaomiao Autumn Festival.In the same system, all the ministers and princes must be sacrificed.

Your Majesty can issue a decree and ask the three kings to come and worship in person.If they come, of course they can.

If the three kings still shirk, they will seize the title and eliminate the country for the crime of having no king and no father, and no one in the world will be more sympathetic. "

At this time, Xun Yu also added: "Your Majesty, Da Honglu's plan is very clever. We can even issue an imperial edict,

Order Liu Bei to attack Cao Cao, and Sun Ce to attack Liu Bei. If the imperial edict is ordered, the soldiers will be lost and the strength will be greatly damaged.

If you disobey the imperial edict and disrespect it, you will lose your righteousness, and it will not be too late to start a crusade with righteous soldiers! "

Upon hearing this, Liu Ke finally nodded in satisfaction.

He was originally going to directly raise troops to attack the three families of Cao, Liu, and Sun.

But this will only make the three families unite to fight together.

Now occupying the fate of righteousness will inevitably get the response of the people of the world.

Liu Ke knew that in ancient times, everyone wanted to have a righteous name.

This is what the so-called teacher is famous for.

The reason for this is to first occupy a high place from the spiritual level and attack the opponent.

Moreover, Xun Yu's strategy of driving tigers and devouring wolves is a naked conspiracy.

Regardless of whether the other party respects or not, in the end, they all cannot escape the fate of destruction.

In fact, this is also the reason why everyone wants to welcome the emperor, that is, to occupy righteousness.

It's just that the emperor was weak before, and in the end he could only solve it with his fists.

But now that Liu Ke is powerful, he can naturally play this righteous name even more superbly!

Thus, a decree was promulgated immediately.

"The tenth day of the next lunar month is the day of the Beginning of Autumn, and the new emperor Liu Ke will personally preside over the Autumn Sacrifice to offer sacrifices to the ancestors.

All princes and ministers must be present, prepare sacrifices, and participate in the autumn festival together. "

Because yesterday was the Zen ceremony, all other princes and ministers were present, only Cao Cao, the boss, and Sun Ce.

So this imperial decree was directly copied in three copies and sent to the three places by the messenger.

After dealing with this matter, another person stood up and asked Liu Ke to make a heir.

This is also what every emperor has to do after he ascends the throne.

Liu Ke had already made arrangements for this, and the queen was naturally his original partner Zhao Yu.

The others are all established as noble concubines, regardless of their status.

As for establishing an heir, none of the concubines has an offspring, so naturally there is no need to think about it.

However, there is still an old minister who played over and over again.

What he said was very fair and aboveboard, but in the end he asked Liu Ke to be lucky enough to give birth to a dragon son early so that the country could be safe, which made him dumbfounded.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The autumn festival is about to begin, and all the imperial edicts have been sent to Liangzhou, Yizhou and Jingzhou.

However, the messenger did not bring back any response from the other party.

Only Sun Ce returned a letter, but he denounced Liu Ke for usurping the throne and standing on his own, and he will launch a crusade soon to welcome Emperor Xian back.

Cao Cao's side is more straightforward.

They didn't even reply, and directly expelled the messenger.

Among them, the most difficult one became Liu Bei.

Because he is different from others, Liu Bei has always claimed to be the great-great-grandson of Emperor Xiaojing, the queen of King Jing of Zhongshan, and the uncle of the Great Han Emperor.

This reputation helped him gain the allegiance of many.

But it has also become the identity that shackles him the most at the moment.

Because, this autumn sacrifice was held in Gaomiao, and the one enshrined here was the great Han who was listed as the first emperor.

The Great Han ruled the world with loyalty and filial piety. If Liu Bei did not participate, he would immediately lose the two characters of loyalty and filial piety.

This is also completely contrary to the reputation he has managed for half his life, and it will ruin him in an instant.

Therefore, this edict had been placed two days before Liu Bei's case, and he was still frowning.

At this time, counselors such as Fazheng and Ma Di came again to discuss countermeasures together.

"Your Majesty, based on what a certain person sees, we must not participate easily, otherwise we will definitely be detained by the other party."

Ma Di wanted to show off, so he spoke as soon as he came in.

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