However, since Fazheng came up with such a plan, he also thought of a countermeasure long ago.

After Liu Bei left the field, he gave Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Wei Yan and others some instructions, and everyone immediately beamed with joy and left separately.

In a few days, a high platform was built outside the city of Chengdu, where all the officials and common people gathered.

After Fazheng attracted Liu Bei, Zhang Fei couldn't argue, so he put the emperor's crown on Liu Bei.

When Liu Bei half-pushed, he had already dressed, and then stood on the high platform to accept the worship of all the officials.

Since then, Liu Bei has established himself as emperor, received the emperor's seal, and then built a new high temple outside Chengdu.

Following the example of the Chang'an Gaomiao, the emperors below the Gaozu were set up as sacrifices.

In this way, Liu Bei deciphered the other party's request to go to Beijing to worship.

At the same time, in front of all the people and soldiers, Liu Bei claimed that Liu Ke could kill the king and stand on his own.

In order to avenge Emperor Xian, he soon sent troops to hunt down the thieves.

Naturally, it is impossible for the common people and soldiers in Yizhou to know the news from Chang'an in the first place.

So they immediately believed Liu Bei's words.

In this way, everyone supported Liu Bei's proclaiming the emperor even more, and under his instigation, they shared the same hatred.

However, Liu Bei not only did not come to participate in the autumn festival, but the news that Liu Bei became emperor quickly spread all over the world.

Liu Ke, who was sitting on the dragon chair, was furious when he heard the news.

"Liu Bei is like this? I immediately launched a crusade and must capture him alive!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The news of Liu Bei's self-proclaimed emperor also spread to Liangzhou and Jingzhou at the same time.

Cao Pi, who was ambitious in his heart, immediately went up and asked his father, Cao Cao, king of Wei, to become emperor.

Many, many generals came with him.

However, Cao Cao did not agree.

He compared himself to Duke Zhou, even when he was in Chang'an, he didn't have this ambition.

Now that I live in Liangzhou, I naturally don't think about it anymore.

Although Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor, he was also a clan member of the Han family, at least in terms of identity.

But Cao Cao can't do this. If so, he might become the target of public criticism instead.

Therefore, Cao Cao finally resisted all opinions and finally did not proclaim himself emperor.

According to the previous plan, he sent troops to the border of Liangzhou, preparing to send troops to attack Liu Ke.

Then Cao Pi was appointed as the supervisor of the country, and he was in charge of all government affairs in the capital.

But in Jingzhou, the ambitious Sun Ce was moved.

He was already pretentious and known as a little overlord. Seeing that Liu Bei, a mat-weaver and shoe-seller, dared to call himself emperor, he immediately wanted to imitate his example.

Zhou Yu wanted to dissuade him, but found that Sun Ce had made up his mind and could not change it.

I had no choice but to follow his instructions and start to make arrangements.

In just ten days, everything was ready.

Sun Ce comforted the world, proclaimed himself an emperor, the country was named Wu, and the ancestral temple was dedicated to his father Sun Jian, grandfather Sun Zhong and other ancestors.

Claiming to be Emperor Wu Wu, he posthumously named his father Sun Jian Emperor Wu Gaodi, and made several brothers Sun Quan, Sun Yi, Sun Kuang, and Sun Lang kings.

As a result, in just ten months, there was a situation where the three emperors stood side by side.

Originally, Liu Ke was going to raise troops to attack Shu before, but was persuaded by his advisers.

Now that Sun Ce has also declared himself emperor, this time Liu Ke finally couldn't bear it anymore.

At today's court meeting, Liu Ke's face was very ugly, and all the officials in the audience dared not show their air.

At the time of Emperor Xian, although Sun, Liu, and Cao made themselves kings, they also respected Emperor Xian as the only emperor of the Han Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, just as soon as he ascended the throne, two families proclaimed themselves emperors.

This is also a naked blow to Liu Ke's majesty.

"I want to crusade, what are your plans?"

Dian Wei immediately came out and said: "Your Majesty, a certain person is willing to be the vanguard and fight against rebellion for Your Majesty!"

"We are all willing to fight!" Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, Lu Meng, Ma Chao and others said the same.

However, Liu Ke did not immediately agree, but looked at the civil servants standing in the left row.

"What's the plan? You might as well tell me."

Xun Yu spoke first.

"Your Majesty, now that the three thieves are standing side by side, we cannot attack at the same time, lest the three parties join forces and lead to a stalemate in the battle.

According to a certain view, we should establish a sequence, defeat each of them, and send a large army to deter the other two, so that they dare not support them.

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