In this case, the three thieves can be wiped out more quickly! "

Liu Ke was also very satisfied with this plan. He nodded and said, "Then who should be the first choice?"

Everyone has their own opinions on this choice.

Some believe that Liu Bei took the lead in proclaiming himself emperor, and he was also a clan member of the Han family. If he does not crusade immediately, it will definitely affect Liu Ke's legitimacy.

Others think that Sun Ce should attack him first if he pretends to be emperor.

Of course, some people think that Cao Cao must be crusaded first, and only after the north is completely pacified, can Shu and Wu be swept away with a devastating force.

Everyone said that the public was right and the woman said that the woman was right, but for a while they were at loggerheads, and it was difficult to make a decision.

At this moment, suddenly a sergeant rushed into the court.

Looking at the natural attire, it should be a border guard, but with a flag on the back, you can face the saint directly, and no one will stop it.

"Report, Your Majesty, hurry up for [-] miles. Cao Cao invaded our border, and he was already close to Fufeng, threatening our Qianxian and Qixian counties."

"How many soldiers and horses does the opponent have?" Everyone immediately asked eagerly.

"There are about [-] Cao troops in the direction of Qian County, led by Cao Ren. The direction of Qi County is Cao Cao's main force, and he will personally take command."

When the generals heard this, they immediately unified their opinions.

Since Cao Cao took the lead in advancing the army, let's take him first.

Therefore, Liu Ke finally started to arrange.

"Ma Chao, Pang De, Pang Tong, you are alone to lead an army of [-] to support Qian County.

The last time Cao Cao was defeated by me, it was a loss of soldiers and generals, and the direction of Qian County was on the flank, so I expected that there should be recruits here.

Meng Qi has lived in Liangzhou for generations, based on your analysis, where should their soldiers and horses come from? "

When Ma Chao heard this, his eyes lit up instantly.

He is very familiar with Liangzhou. Cao Jun who came from Qian County must have recruited troops from Wudu County and Longxi County.

There must be a lot of Qiang people mixed in here.

When Ma Chao traveled to Liangzhou with his father, he was so powerful that he was as invincible as a god in the hearts of the Qiang people.

Now Liu Ke's arrangement is very obvious.

It was to use Ma Chao's reputation to make Cao Ren's army, which was mixed with most of the Qiang people, collapse without fighting.

Therefore, Ma Chao immediately responded: "I have taken the order, and I will definitely live up to the holy hope and wipe out Cao's army."

Unexpectedly, Liu Ke waved his hand and said: "Meng Qi, you've been with me for so long, why do you still only think about fighting and killing!

I ordered you to be the flanking commander this time, not to let you wipe out the enemy army.

Cao's army is insignificant, and you should pay more attention to how to conquer the hearts of the people after the army enters Longxi.

Don't kill indiscriminately after the battlefield is over! "

Ma Chao finally understood at this moment that His Majesty was no longer worried about the enemy, but was thinking about the aftermath of regaining the land.

This also made Ma Chao, who was full of murder, feel a little ashamed.

He immediately prostrated himself on the ground in complete admiration: "Your Majesty is benevolent and loving, I admire you so much! I will definitely remember your majesty's teachings.

So that the common people who are deeply trapped by the thieves can bathe in His Majesty's love, and they will not commit any crime after entering the country! "

Only then did Liu Ke smile with satisfaction: "Good! General Meng Qi has excellent understanding, I hope you will live up to my wishes!"

Afterwards, Liu Ke continued to arrange.

"Lu Meng, Lu Su, I order you to lead an army of [-] to Yiyang to frighten Sun Ce. Without my order, don't fight lightly!"

"Obey!" Both of them took orders.

"Zhao Yun, Cheng Yu, I ordered you to lead an army of [-] to Chen Cang to frighten Liu Bei, and there is also no order from me, so don't fight lightly!

Dian Wei, Lu Bu, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, Huang Zhong, Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia, Xun Yu and others accompanied me on the expedition.

Lead an army of [-] to meet Cao Cao! "

When the battle broke out, Liu Ke, who was originally kind and gentle, instantly regained his majesty.

Orders came out of his mouth one after another, and all the generals took orders without daring to show any disrespect.

Instead, they were faintly excited.

This is his decisive master.

Liu Ke stayed in Chang'an for too long, and the stability for such a long time made the other party want to move.

The last time he let the other party go, Cao Cao still didn't want to repent.

Therefore, this time Liu Ke is going to go all out and completely wipe out Cao Cao's power.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cao Liu fought again, which instantly attracted the attention of the world.

At this moment, everyone turned their attention to the Yongliang border, witnessing the life and death of both sides.

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