But as everyone knows, Ma Chao and Pang Tong are already waiting on the only way they must go back.

"Who is coming? Report your name!"

Although he was a deserter, Cao Fan's momentum remained undiminished, and he even took the initiative to call for battle.

Ma Chao rode out and shouted to the army, "I am Ma Mengqi from Xiliang!"

When Cao Fan heard this, his whole body trembled in fright.

How could he not know Ma Chao's name?

Before, I wanted to step on the opponent to make contributions, but now I didn't expect that the real master is right in front of me.

And not only Cao Fan, those Qiang people in Cao's army even changed their faces greatly when they were frightened by this name.

They were already defeated troops, losing troops and generals, and their morale was low.

Unexpectedly, he was blocked by the god-like General Ma now.

More than half of these Qiang people suddenly got off their horses, fell to their knees, and surrendered on the spot.

Cao Fan didn't expect these Qiang people to surrender so simply. He whipped his horsewhip, but still couldn't arouse them.

In the end, Cao Fan, who knew that he might not escape this catastrophe, shouted loudly and rushed over, as if he wanted to die with him.

How could Cao Fan's guards watch his general die.

Therefore, these people quickly chased after them and fought with Ma Chao's men.

Finally, after dropping hundreds of corpses, he finally broke through the encirclement and escorted Cao Fan to escape.

As for those Qiang people, Ma Chao remembered His Majesty's warning, and immediately took them all into custody.

Although it won't be killed, it can't be put back for disaster.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Cao Fan broke through and left, Ma Chao ordered his men to clean up the battle situation and take all the surrendered Qiang people into custody.

Afterwards, Ma Chao looked at Pang Tong sincerely and said, "Military Master, Ma Chao really admires your strategy!

Not only did he expect the other party to come back to rob the camp, but he also made such a good arrangement to kill the other party in pieces and fled in a hurry. "

Pang Tong smiled complacently and said: "Meng Qi, don't be too happy too early, the fun is yet to come!"

"What? There is still a good show?" Ma Chao said with surprise.

"Hehe, you forgot my arrangement before! Pang Lingming still has a huge army in his hand.

If the prediction is correct at this moment, he should have come to the county seat! "

"Are you going to order Ming to attack the county seat? Although the city wall of Si County is not high, it is impossible for him to succeed with [-] soldiers and horses alone!

What's more, Cao Fan has returned at this moment, if he catches up with him, it may be dangerous! "

Ma Chao said with some concern, although Pound is the number one general under his command, he is powerful.

But it is impossible to capture a heavily guarded county with only [-] soldiers and horses!

At the same time, Pang De, who had been lying in ambush twenty miles west of the camp, had indeed arrived at the city of Qian County.

They had been lying in ambush on the mountainside before, without even lighting a torch.

Cao Jun who came out of the city to rob the camp had passed by here before.

Although Pound wanted to attack very much, he remembered the previous arrangement of the military division.

In the end, he still suppressed the desire in his heart, did not dare to make any rash moves, and let Cao Fan pass by helplessly.

Moreover, Pang De admired the military adviser very much in his heart, he did not expect that he really expected the other party to come back to rob the camp late at night.

In less than an hour, he saw a raging fire in the direction of his camp.

Because the fire is very large, even here, you can see clearly.

However, Pang De believed that since the military division saw through the opponent's scheme, they naturally made the most appropriate arrangements.

You just have to act according to plan.

At that time, the army division only ordered Pang De, but when he saw the camp was on fire, he could go straight to Qian County and open the city gate.

He immediately woke up the soldiers and went straight to Qian County.

At first, Pang De just wanted to arrive as soon as possible and capture the city quickly.

But when he reached within three miles of Qian County, he finally changed his mind.

Pang De understood that with the [-] troops in his hand, it was absolutely impossible to take down Qian County in a short time by fighting hard.

Instead, they will be flanked back and forth by the retreating Cao Jun.

Therefore, in order to avoid casualties, Pound thought of a good way.

At this moment, the moon is dark and the wind is high, and it is pitch black outside the city.

Why don't you take advantage of this condition and falsely claim that it was the Cao army who robbed the camp before, and returned to the city to ask for reinforcements.

At that time, compared with the other party, there will be absolutely no doubts.

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