Pound thought for a moment, and thought that this plan was indeed feasible.

Anyway, even if it fails, it's not too late to continue attacking.

Therefore, under the cover of night, Pang De led five thousand soldiers to rush towards the county seat quietly.

In less than half an hour, the army had already arrived.

But he didn't appear immediately, but hid in a place a mile outside the city.

In today's night, this distance from the city wall is completely invisible.

Afterwards, Pound selected a clever soldier to tell his plan exactly.

He ordered the soldier to go and open the city gate.

The soldiers rushed to the gate of the city in a short time. At this moment, Cao Jun went out to rob the camp, and the defenders in the city were also very concerned.

Therefore, as soon as the soldiers arrived, they were discovered by the city wall defenders.

"Who?" Someone immediately asked loudly on the city wall.

"My lord, the general robbed the camp tonight and won a complete victory. The enemy army set fire to the camp and suffered heavy losses.

However, due to the large number of enemy soldiers, it is impossible to kill them all at once.

So the general came back with a special name and called for reinforcements. At that time, the two armies will join together.The entire army of the Dingjiao enemy was wiped out! "

When the soldier said this, the defenders believed most of them, and everyone's faces were very excited.

But he didn't dare to open the door easily, he only said that he was going to ask the lieutenant general for instructions, please wait under the city for a while.

Pound's men were not in a hurry, they just waited patiently.

After a while, a lieutenant general appeared at the top of the city.

"The man under the city, you said that the general sent you to move to ask for support, what is the proof?"

The lieutenant general was a little cautious, after all, it was really difficult to determine his identity at the moment.

However, the person who was sent out was very clever, and hurriedly said: "My lord, the enemy's camp is now on fire, isn't it the best proof?

Now most of the enemy's tents have been set ablaze, and the collapse is imminent, please don't hesitate, let the enemy chief Ma Chao and others go! "

After hearing this, the deputy general finally believed it when he looked at the soaring fire in the distance.

The fire over there was indeed very large, but it wasn't the burning camp, but Pang Tong had placed flammable objects in the tent in advance.

So although it seemed that the fire was very large, in fact, only a small piece of camp was on fire.

But the guards in the city naturally didn't understand the matter, and thought it was really their own general who succeeded!

The deputy general was originally left in the city, so he missed the opportunity to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds.

Now that I have finally been summoned, I am instantly tempted.

The lieutenant thought to himself, if he led the reinforcements to arrive at this moment, he would completely wipe out the enemy army.

Even if it's not the first effort, you have to get a second effort.

It is naturally much better than staying on standby in the city.

Therefore, he immediately ordered the soldiers to get ready to go to support General Cao Fan.

In fact, the deputy general still has some doubts in his heart, that is, the other party came too fast.

The county seat was at least thirty miles away, and the person returned just after seeing the flames for a while, which really had to make people suspicious.

But when he saw that the other party was alone, even if he was cheating, he just had to open the door and rush to a few people to bring him back.

At this moment, another person hurriedly ran over from a distance.

The person who also claimed to be the general sent it, but the news he brought was not as good as before.

"My lord, the enemy army is powerful, and the general is on the verge of difficulty. Please send troops to support him quickly. Otherwise, the general will be wiped out!"

"What? Wasn't the situation great just now? Why are you in trouble now? Could it be that one of you is cheating?"

The lieutenant asked suspiciously.

The person who came from behind hurriedly explained: "My lord, don't get me wrong, the situation was really good before.

The general led his troops to charge, and the enemy suffered heavy losses.But the number of enemy troops is too many, and they are well-trained.

Especially under the gathering of the enemy commander-in-chief, a team of one thousand people was finally assembled, and they are now fighting against the general.

But as the enemy army gathered more and more, the general was gradually lost, so he hurriedly ordered the little one to come and ask for help!

Please help quickly, my lord, otherwise the general will be in danger! "

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The arrival of two messengers one after another finally made the lieutenant no longer suspicious.

Although there are some differences in the orders the two said, careful analysis can still be confirmed back and forth.

Therefore, according to the deputy general's analysis, I am afraid that General Cao Fan is really facing a problem at this moment.

During this period of time, he had ordered the sergeants to assemble, and at this moment the remaining [-] troops in the city had all assembled.

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