The lieutenant general also decided to fight. After he took all these troops away, Qian County must be empty.

But he thinks that as long as he restrains the opponent and kills the enemy army, it is worthwhile even if the city is lost.

Besides, now that the enemy army is too busy to take care of themselves, how can they spare a hand to steal the city.

Afterwards, the lieutenant got on his horse and was the first to lead his army out after the city gate opened.

The psychological qualities of the two messengers were excellent, even though there was a great risk of exposure at this moment, they still stepped forward to guide the way.

In this way, the deputy general finally did not suspect him.

The army moved slowly, and when all the troops were out of the city, the first lieutenant had already marched two or three miles.

At this moment, Pound, who was lying in wait, finally appeared.

He only brought three personal guards with him, and they came towards him.

Seeing this, the deputy general immediately became more cautious, and asked loudly: "Who is here? Report your name! The night is dark and the wind is high, so as not to kill by mistake!"

The guard beside Pound immediately replied: "This is General Cao Fan's subordinate Wang Xiaowei. Who are you?"

Although Pound's name was a lie, General Cao Fan actually had a school lieutenant surnamed Wang, and there were more than one of them.

He first revealed his identity, and then asked the other party to explain who Wang Xiaowei was?

At this time, Pang De finally replied: "Vice General Yang, you will know when you see him."

While talking, he patted his horse and approached.

The deputy general saw that there were only two or three of them, so naturally there was no need to worry.

When he was still frowning and carefully identified, Pound was already less than ten meters away from the opponent.

At this moment, Pang De suddenly shouted: "Take your life!"

This cry shocked him instantly, and the lieutenant hadn't recovered yet.

In a short distance of ten meters, a sprint Pound has arrived.

I saw him raising the big knife high above his head, and swung it towards the lieutenant general like a mountain pressing down on him.

Facing the strong murderous intent, the deputy general finally reacted.

However, it was too late now, and his weapon hadn't even been raised yet.

Pound's sword was about to be cut off.

"Ah... Plop!"

First, the other party let out a terrified cry, and then the body and head were separated, and the head fell to the ground.

At this moment, the people under them were stunned. Looking at Pang De, it was like seeing a god of death.

You know, this deputy general is already an invincible existence in the hearts of the defenders.

This person has been battle-tested for a long time and is proficient in swordsmanship. Even General Cao Ren has praised him many times.

Even before coming here, he asked Cao Fan to learn more from him.

It is such a powerful general who is not the enemy of the opponent.

Before he could react, he was already decapitated and ended up dying.

After Pound beheaded the opponent with a single blow, the army ambushing in the dark finally rushed out.

These people killed bursts of sound, and the momentum was soaring.

For a while, they didn't even know how many soldiers and horses the opponent had.

At this time, the guards behind Pound shouted: "General Pound leads the big Han heavenly soldiers here, if you want to survive, you must immediately put down your weapons and surrender!

Otherwise, it will have the same consequences as this person! "

At this moment, the deputy general died, and Cao Jun was already without a leader.

A school lieutenant wanted to lead the army to charge, but he didn't know that the orderly soldier under the city was beside him.

As soon as he yelled out, he was shot into the heart by the opponent, and fell off the horse with a plop.

When the rest of Cao's army saw this, more than half of them knelt down on the ground in an instant, dropped their weapons one after another, and declared their surrender.

Pang De ordered people to collect the prisoners, while he waited for the guards and rushed towards the city gate.

At this moment, all the [-] defenders finally left the city, and an old guard at the gate was about to close the gate again.

At this moment, a loud shout came: "Stop closing the door!"

The old pawn didn't know who it was, but he subconsciously slowed down his movements.

Just in this daze, Pound had already rushed into the city first.

Then the guards like tigers and wolves snatched the key from the old pawn and completely took over the city gate.

Qian County finally changed hands.

Pound finally recovered it without a single soldier.

Just when Pound took over the city and rectified the sergeants, news came from the scouts.

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