But if Qianxian County is under the control of the opponent and can provide support at any time, then Xia Houyuan's surprise soldiers can't attack for a long time, and they can only return without success.

In addition, Qian County has a more important value.

It is located on the east side of Liupan Mountain together with Wuzhi, Chaona and Gaoping counties.

Between the four counties, there is a corridor that is flatter than the surrounding ones, stringing them together like a thread.

As long as you march north along that corridor, you can reach Wuzhi in a few days.

Wuzhi is not a major city, but at the moment Wei Wang's army is stationed in Yiju, which is just downstream of Wuzhi.

That is to say, as long as Wuzhi is occupied, the retreat route of King Wei's army can be blocked.

At that time, with Liu Ke's army in Qi County, Cao Cao will be unable to escape even if he spreads his wings.

Originally, when Cao Ren captured Qian County, he planned to directly set up his base camp here.

However, the city here is small, so the large army was left in Longguan.

However, in order to prevent Qian County from being taken back by the enemy, he still sent a full [-] troops to guard it.

Originally thought that even if the opponent's [-] troops attacked the city, it would be impossible to break through it overnight.

As long as the opponent persists in the first wave of attack, he can lead the army to rush to push the enemy back.

Cao Ren's calculations were very good, but he never expected that Qian County, where the [-] troops were stationed, would change hands overnight.

Due to Pang Tong's plan and the charge with Ma Chao, except for Cao Fan who escaped, almost no other Cao troops escaped.

The [-] Cao troops either fled or surrendered, and the entire county was effortless.

In the early morning of the second day, Ma Chao and Pang Tong had already led their troops to the city.

Pound had been busy all night, and when he heard that the coach had arrived, he immediately went out of the city to greet him.

Pang Tong couldn't help but praised: "Ling Ming should take the lead in conquering Si County this time, and I will play to His Majesty in the future to ask for a reward for Ling Ming."

Pang De hurriedly said modestly: "The sergeant is amazing, I can get these, thanks to the military master's strategizing, I dare not be greedy for credit!"

For Pound's modesty, Ma Chao, as the coach, is very pleased.

Speaking of which, Pound can be regarded as Ma Chao's retainer.

Ma Chao has been a prince for many generations, and the Pang family has always followed him. Now that he has made great achievements, Ma Chao, the master, is also honored.

After working all night, the soldiers were exhausted.

Except for the guard on duty, the rest took this opportunity to take a good rest.

As for Cao Fan who escaped, everyone didn't mind.

The opponent lost all his troops, and in the end there were less than [-] people left, and there was no longer any threat.

But it is said that after Cao Fan left Qian County, he went straight to Longguan.

After running all night, he finally arrived at the city of Longguan.

The generals guarding the gate are all Cao Ren's veteran generals, so naturally they all know the third son Cao Fan.

Although he didn't know why he came here suddenly, he still welcomed Cao Fan into the pass politely.

When the guard saw Cao Fan, he was finally shocked by his current image.

After a night of fighting, Cao Fan's body was covered in thick smoky black ash and blood that had dried up long ago.

The whole person is disheveled, and the armor has long been damaged, as if he just rushed out of hell.

The guard quickly supported Cao Fan, and said in shock: "My lord, what happened here?"

Cao Fan has been thinking about his father's explanation when he came here.

He naturally understood the serious consequences of losing Qian County.

So at this moment, the whole person is speechless.

The guard looked at the opponent's performance, and the distressed state of the guards behind him, and he had already guessed in his heart.

But he wisely didn't continue to ask.

I just hurriedly arranged for my subordinates to prepare wine, food and hot water to clean up Cao Fan.

An hour later, Cao Fan, who was full of food and drink, finally recovered a little bit after washing up quickly.

And the guard has already known the whole story from his guards.

He didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately said: "My lord, this matter is no small matter, we still have to report it to the general immediately, so as not to be caught off guard by the enemy's arrival!"

Cao Fan nodded, and said: "Don't worry, General Wang. After I get some rest, I will rush to Long County to plead guilty to my father!"

"This, or I should send someone to inform in advance, so that the general can be mentally prepared."

Cao Fan heard the words and looked at the other party gratefully, knowing that the other party was doing it for his own good.

In order to prevent his father from suddenly getting the news and severely punishing himself.

However, Cao Fan knew that this matter was no small matter, and it was better for him to make an apology himself.

In order not to be misunderstood by others for absconding in fear of crime, not only his own image, but also his father's majesty will be greatly damaged.

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