Therefore, after tidying up for a while, Cao Fan resolutely took his bodyguards and rushed to the Long County base camp, regardless of the guard's dissuasion.

In order to avoid the opponent's attack, the defender who got the news immediately rectified the sergeant and strengthened the defense force of the pass.

Even the guard himself, after sending Cao Fan away, immediately inspected the pass to make sure everything was safe.

Fortunately, the terrain of this pass is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as you don't make mistakes, it is impossible for the opponent to break through in a short time.

At the same time, the guard thought of the geographical location of Qian County, and immediately wrote a letter and sent someone to send it to Xiangyang City overnight.

Yangcheng is located [-] miles north of Qian County, and it is also the main route for attacking Wuzhi from Qian County along the corridor on the east side of Liupan Mountain.

If the opponent takes Sixian County and fails to attack Longguan for a long time, they will definitely change direction and march towards Yangcheng.

If it was someone else, the guard really didn't necessarily have to notify him specially, after all, it wasn't his duty in itself.

But the defenders of Yangcheng were his old acquaintances, and the two had worked together under General Cao Ren very early on.

Therefore, he sent out the letter immediately, reminding his old friend not to be careless,

Within a day, the letter was sent to Yangcheng guard Zhang Ji.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Long County, the base camp of Cao Renjun.

Cao Ren was promoted today and is discussing the next move.

Cao Fan rushed into the tent suddenly.

Even though he had recuperated a lot when he was in Longguan, he didn't look so embarrassed.

But this way, it is still full of dust.

When Cao Ren saw the other party coming suddenly, he asked with a puzzled face, "Why did Fan Er return?"

The other soldiers also looked at him suspiciously, but everyone looked relaxed and did not think of the real reason.

When Cao Fan walked to the center of the big tent, he fell to his knees with a plop.

"Father, please punish the child for throwing the city!"

"What?" Cao Ren was shocked.

"Boy, baby lost the city of Qian County! The entire army of [-] soldiers was wiped out!" Cao Fan said angrily.

"Why was the entire army wiped out so quickly? Could it be that the enemy army is so powerful that the soldiers are exhausted?" Cao Ren was still a little surprised.

Cao Fan didn't dare to lie, so he had to rob the camp at night and lay in ambush against the enemy.

Not only did the army suffer heavy losses, but even the county town was seized by the other side.

After Cao Ren heard this, he said angrily, "What did my father tell you that day? Just teach you to guard the city.

But you just refused to listen and insisted on provoking.You, you are guilty!Someone, push Cao Fan out and behead him for public display! "

Cao Fan didn't make any resistance, and just let the two soldiers drag him away.

However, other people in the tent can't just watch the young master be beheaded.

They hurriedly got up and interceded for him together, and Chen Yili gave Cao Fan a chance to make up for his mistakes.

Naturally, Cao Ren didn't really want to kill his son, he just wanted to show it to others.

Now the soldiers begged for mercy and gave him a step, and he accepted it.

However, the death penalty is exempt, but the living crime cannot escape.

Cao Ren demoted him to uncle, and left him to make up for his mistakes later.

Now, Qian County, the vanguard for attacking Jing Zhaoyin, was lost, and Cao Ren fell into a passive position instantly.

He immediately rescheduled.

There are [-] defenders at Longguan, and the natural danger is enough to last for a while.

But just to be on the safe side, an additional [-] soldiers and horses were still sent to support.

This time, in order to prevent the defender from making the mistake of underestimating the enemy again.

Cao Ren directly ordered the reinforcements to bring his own handwriting.

It is required that the opponent must not leave the customs easily to fight, otherwise it will be dealt with by military law.

Then, when he looked at the map, he finally set his sights on Yangcheng in the north of Qian County.

It was also under the control of Cao Jun, and it was originally used as a rear guard.

But after the fall of Qian County, Yangcheng became the first to bear the brunt.

Therefore, Cao Ren decided that he could not continue to stick to Long County, and immediately sent his troops to move the base camp to Yangcheng.

After this period of time, Cao Ren had a total of [-] troops.

Cao Fan lost [-] troops, [-] were standing firm at Longguan, and the remaining [-] troops all marched towards Yangcheng.

Fighting against the [-] troops from Ma Chao, he fought against the defenders of Longguan.

The strength of the two sides is actually almost the same, but Cao Ren is very disturbed in his heart.

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