Therefore, Ma Chao's [-] troops are basically all brave and skilled fighters who have experienced battles.

But during this period of time when I was recruiting soldiers, there were more than half of the recruits, and there was still a big gap in combat effectiveness compared with the opponent.

However, fortunately, Cao Cao's mission to Cao Ren was to stick to containment.

He was not asked to capture many enemy troops.

So as long as Cao Ren restrains Ma Chao here, does not make him go any further, and joins Liu Ke.

Three days later, Cao Ren's army finally arrived at Yangcheng.

He came here to check and found that [-] miles south of Yangcheng, there is a pass on the road that the enemy army must pass through in Qian County, which is called Fanxukou.

The originally wide Liupanshan Corridor narrowed abruptly here, forming a passage with a width of only more than ten meters.

Moreover, there are high mountains and cliffs on both sides, and the terrain is steep, which is an excellent defensive route.

It's just that there has never been a pass here, and Cao Ren only temporarily set it up.

However, thanks to the environment here, even if it is a temporary checkpoint, it is also easy to defend and difficult to attack.

And after these few days of rest, Ma Chao's army has all recovered.

The Qian County that was originally taken back did not need to be repaired at all because it did not cost any weapons.

In fact, when Cao Jun captured the city before, the city wall was severely damaged.

But Cao Ren was going to use Qian County as a fortress, so the repairs were completed overnight.

In the end, it was directly cheaper for Ma Chao and others.

Today, Ma Chao, Pang Tong, Pang De, Ma Dai and others gathered in the military camp to discuss the next step.

The victory in the first battle greatly increased the confidence of everyone.

Some generals even proposed to attack Longguan directly and break into Hanyang County in one go.

Another general proposed to send his troops northward to join His Majesty's army and attack the main force of Cao Wei.

Some generals even wanted to go south to Dasan Pass, approach Wudu County, and open up the passage into Hanzhong.

Each proposal has its merits.

In order to give full play to the enthusiasm of the generals, Ma Chao did nothing to stop them and let them play freely.

At the end, after all the soldiers had finished speaking, Ma Chao looked at the military adviser Pang Tong.

"Shiyuan, do you have any good ideas?"

After this experience, Ma Chao admired him even more.

Pang Tong pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Actually, the analysis of all the generals is reasonable.

There is nothing wrong with going west, going south or going north. "

"Hey, military division, you've been talking for a long time, isn't it for nothing!" A general asked recklessly.

However, when he found that everyone was looking at him with dissatisfaction, Na Jiang quickly shrank his neck and retreated.

Now that Pang Tong's strategy has already conquered everyone, the generals only admire him, who dares to offend him again.

Afterwards, Pang Tong continued to analyze: "Based on my analysis, although Cao Ren captured Qian County earlier.

But the army is still in Long County, a hundred miles away, so it seems that the other party has no intention of continuing to attack at all.

Therefore, I think their army is likely only to contain our army and defend Cao Cao's main force. "

Now the other party is guarding against danger, just to limit us here.

Therefore, we must not be led by the nose by the other party. Instead, we must change from passive to active. Only in this way can we attract Cao Ren from Gaocheng Xiongguan. "

After listening to Pang Tong's analysis, Ma Chao suddenly became enlightened.

He tentatively said: "In the opinion of the military advisor, our westward attack on Longguan would be the worst strategy?"

"What Meng Qi said is very true. Longguan is dangerous, so it is not the best target. Instead, it is a better plan to take advantage of the situation and go north to capture Yangcheng and Wuzhi."

The generals listened to Pang Tong's analysis, and at the same time looked at the map in the tent, their eyes lit up instantly.

Because as long as he wins Wuzhi, Cao Cao's army will be surrounded by himself and His Majesty, and become a fish in a urn.

However, Pang Tong continued: "Don't be too happy, everyone."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After hearing Pang Tong's words, everyone immediately looked at him suspiciously.

"I can see this, Cao Zixiao is also not a fool, he must also know the importance of Yangcheng.

So if my prediction is correct, Cao Ren's army may have moved to Yangcheng, waiting for me there! "

Just as Pang Tong finished speaking, the scouts outside the tent rushed in anxiously.

"Tell the general that the scout heard from the mountain people here that thousands of troops passed by the mountain two days ago.

Finally, they stayed in the outskirts of Yangcheng and set up camp. At the same time, a team of people was stationed at Fanxukou, sixty miles away! "

As soon as the scout finished speaking, all the generals in the tent couldn't help taking a breath.

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