Ma Chao, the commander-in-chief, was even more overjoyed and said: "The military commander is really a god! If you sit firmly in the army tent, you will know the enemy's situation.

Ma Chao really admires it!What should our army do next, we still look to the military division for instructions! "

Ma Chao's attitude is very humble. He has already been conquered by Pang Tong's repeated performances.

Hearing this, Pang Tong said slowly: "Since the other party wants to wait for me in Yangcheng, then our army will go to the meeting!

The order was sent, and the army marched forty miles and set up camp in Huicheng! "

Huicheng is only fifteen miles away from Fanxukou, which was originally a county seat.

But later it was destroyed by military disasters, and the residents in the city died and fled, so this place was completely abandoned.

Now there are only ruins and ruins, which are of no value at all.

The reason why Pang Tong moved the army here was to test Cao Ren's reality.

This kind of meat on the mouth depends on whether it can attract him.

However, Cao Ren had made up his mind a long time ago, no matter what, he would never leave the city.

Anyway, if the other party wants to go north, they must pass through here.

Otherwise, it is necessary to go around a very long and large circle, which consumes a lot.

Therefore, as long as you occupy this place, the other party will be unable to move an inch.

Sure enough, after returning to the city and stationed in the city, Ma Chao's army spent the whole day exploring the terrain with the military division.

But they found helplessly that this place was indeed as expected by the other party.

In addition to storming Fanxukou, there is absolutely no way to enter the army.

In this way, Ma Chao's army can only stay here for the time being.

In order to avoid unnecessary losses, he decided not to march until he found the next solution.

Cao Ren, who was on the opposite side, was naturally looking forward to such a situation.

His purpose is to hold back, if the other party doesn't move, isn't it playing into his own hands?

Therefore, the two armies confronted each other here.

But in this case, the opponent's army was moved northward for a while by himself.

A little further away from Chen Cang, it will not stop Xia Houyuan from coming to Shangbi.

However, Cao Jun naturally didn't know that Zhao Yun's [-] troops were stationed in Chencang.

Xia Houyuan's surprise attack on Chang'an is destined to be impossible to succeed.

It is true that this matter will not be mentioned for the time being, but it is said that Liu Ke and Cao Cao's main army have been fighting in Qixian and Yiju for a month.

Although there was no major battle between the two sides, small-scale fights occurred from time to time.

Most of the battles were between the scouts of the two armies, and the casualties were not too large.

But if this goes on for a long time, Liu Ke's patience is gradually exhausted.

"Cao's army suffered from danger, and our army can't make an inch of progress. Do you have any good strategies?"

Zhuge Liang took a step forward and said, "Your Majesty, Cao Jun's [-] troops are now stationed in Linjing and Yiju.

In addition, I heard news from Meng Qi that Cao Ren still had [-] troops, plus the [-] who were wiped out by Meng Qi, the total was [-] troops.

However, Cao's army had been defeated repeatedly before, and the original [-] army had already been less than [-].

Therefore, the minister expected that this time the opponent must be fully mobilized, so the defense lines in other places must be empty.

Zilong had to guard against Liu Bei in Chencang, so he couldn't get out of his birth.

But we can't do it from the south, we can find a way from the north.

Therefore, I thought I could write a letter, and ordered Chuquan Shanyu to join General Ling Tong to set off from Bingzhou.

Going out of the extravagance and going down the muddy water, it directly threatens Niyang and Yiju.

In addition, General Ma Chao stepped up his attack and captured Wushi as soon as possible, occupying the upper reaches of the Jingshui River. At that time, Cao Jun will be attacked from three sides, and Cao Jun will be unable to escape! "

Upon hearing this, Liu Ke nodded in satisfaction.

It's just that what he is concerned about now is that the progress on his side is too slow.

You can't act on your own after the other two troops are all in place.

What's the point of going on a personal expedition like this?

Therefore, although Liu Ke superficially agreed with Zhuge Liang's strategy, his brows were still furrowed and he did not show his face.

Seeing Liu Ke's expression on the side, Guo Jia naturally guessed what he was thinking.

Therefore, Guo Jia stepped out immediately and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, I have a plan, I wonder if it is possible?"

"Oh? Is there any good plan for Fengxiao?" Liu Ke instantly regained his energy.

"Your Majesty, Cao Cao's advisers are numerous, and they will definitely consider the strategies we can think of.

So in the end, it is still hard power.

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