Because the scale of cooking smoke is too large, it is simply not something that ordinary people can produce.

Therefore, Zhang Yun immediately became alert, and quickly ordered: "Send the order, the whole army is on alert, stop on the spot, and no one is allowed to speak loudly!"

The messenger quickly ran down to pass the order, and the army ordered to stop it, and it became quiet in an instant, without making any sound.

At this time, Zhang Xi's lieutenants and lieutenants had all gathered in the main tent of the Chinese army.

"General, why did you stop suddenly?" A lieutenant asked curiously.

It's not that he questioned Zhang Xi's decision, but that the sky is a bit dark at the moment, and there is a risk of heavy rain at any time.

But this place is located in a valley, surrounded by steep mountains, if there is a flash flood, there will be heavy casualties.

Zhang He looked around and saw that other people were also very puzzled, so he began to explain.

"Everyone, don't you think the smoke coming from behind the mountain in front is a bit strange?"

"Father, isn't this the cooking smoke of ordinary people? Maybe there is a village here."

The speaker was Zhang He's son Zhang Xiong.

He is only eighteen years old, and he started the expedition with his father last year, so he is still a little immature.

Zhang Xi also knew it, so he didn't blame his son for the question, but explained:

"Xiong'er, you still have too little experience. Although the smoke in front of the mountain is real, the quantity and concentration are definitely not for the common people.

Instead, it looks like a small army started cooking.In my opinion, there should be at least one temporary garrison on the other side of the mountain. "

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized, so they stayed here intently.

In order to train his son Zhang Xiong, Zhang Yun simply gave him the task of investigating.

However, he told him not to act rashly no matter what the situation was, but to come back and report to Zhang Xi before making a decision.

This is also Zhang Xiong's first time to carry out a mission alone, he immediately selected ten brave men to follow him to the front of the mountain.

The mountain road is rugged, but Zhang Xiong is not afraid of hardships, using both hands and feet to climb and walk through the rocks.

Several wounds were drawn on his hands and body by the thorns in the mountains.

But at this moment it was close to the place where the cooking smoke was, Zhang Xiong and his subordinates did not say a word, they gritted their teeth and persisted.

Finally, when Zhang Xiong turned over a small hill, he saw the source of the cooking smoke clearly.

By a small stream, there was a pair of men and horses staying. Judging by their attire, it was undoubtedly Cao Jun.

It was lunch time at this moment, and the cooking smoke that Zhang He discovered was produced by several temporary smoke stoves.

In order to find out the reality of the other party, Zhang Xiong led someone to touch him quietly.

His movements were very light, so under the cover of the dense forest, the other party did not notice him.

Zhang Xiong didn't stop until he was [-] or [-] meters away from the opponent.

At this distance, the other party's voice is already clearly audible.

"Boss, what's the use of us patrolling here every day?

What is there to patrol in the barren mountains and wild mountains here? "

"Yes, I heard that all my fellow countrymen have gone to Anding, which is much more comfortable than staying here every day."

"Okay!" As soon as the majestic voice sounded, it was very long in comparison.

The person said: "Since the general ordered us to come here for inspection, there is naturally a reason for him. You and I just need to follow the requirements of the above.

And what do you recruits know?Isn't anyone better here?We have a total of thousands of people, if there are people, how can you be okay? "

"Yeah, it's so nice to be here. We eat wild game every day. You recruits go into battle and you don't want to be killed!"

Another voice echoed, presumably also a veteran.

Afterwards, everyone went to eat, and Zhang Xiong, who was hiding not far away, retreated quietly.

Although these little soldiers talk without much nutrition.

But Zhang Xiong got an important piece of information.

That is, there is indeed a man stationed here, and it should be to prevent himself from going around from the deep mountain.

But here itself is very difficult, so there are not many people stationed here, only more than a thousand people.

But Zhang Xiong found that there were only a few dozen people here, indicating that these were not the main force of Cao's army.

He suppressed the idea of ​​rushing out, quickly returned to the headquarters, and reported his discovery to his father.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhang Xi sent his son out to exercise his abilities.

But after he left, although Zhang Xi was calm on the surface, he was still a little worried about him in his heart.

Seeing Zhang Xiong not returning for a long time, he even prepared to send another team to meet him.

At this moment, Zhang Xiong finally returned and brought back the detected information.

Zhang He frowned immediately after Zhang Xiong told all the information he had obtained like beans pouring beans from a bamboo tube.

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