However, the others were very excited. They didn't expect their coach to be so predictable.

From the cooking smoke, the enemy's movement can be analyzed.

As a result, while the generals under the tent were shocked by Zhang Yun's ability, their confidence also greatly increased.

One of the generals stood up and said, "General, please allow the last general to lead his troops to wipe out these patrolling Cao troops!"

"General, I will go too!"

All the generals volunteered and did not take each other seriously.

Even Zhang Xiong is eager to try, after all, this time is the information he brought back.

At that time, thinking of the military order, he had resisted the desire to attack, and now he was naturally more eager.

Facing everyone's request, Zhang Xi knew that he had been in the dense forest for a long time these days.

These sergeants under him have long been suffocated and really need to vent.

However, you can't fight savagely, everything needs to be strategic.

This is actually the reason why Liu Ke sent Zhang Yun here. If other generals were replaced, they might have rushed forward desperately at this moment.

But what Zhang Yun thought about was what would happen after this small group of Cao Jun was resolved.

Since Cao Jun specially sent a thousand-man team to prevent the enemy from stealing the way from the mountains.

Then the opponent must choose a place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

If you attack directly, it may be difficult to win in a short time.

At that time, the other party will transmit the news of the attack here to Cao Ying, and there will be a steady stream of military support.

By that time, even if they tried their best to fight a bloody road, the other party had already received the news and sent troops to encircle and suppress them.

Then His Majesty's strategy will naturally fail.

Therefore, Zhang Yun decided that this matter must be done very secretly, and Cao Jun in other places must not be disturbed.

Therefore, facing the generals' invitation to fight, Zhang Yun did not immediately agree, but was still thinking carefully.

In the end, he finally thought of a strategy, that is, after finishing off these soldiers, he would change into the opponent's clothes.

Pretending to be the troops returning from the patrol, after deceiving the opponent's camp, they suddenly attacked and captured them all before the opponent could react.

If this is the case, all the dozens of people cooking by the stream must be taken down, and none of them can be let go.

So, Zhang He immediately started making arrangements.

To be on the safe side, three centurions were directly dispatched, each led by the strongest lieutenant general under his command.

One of the teams was handed over to Zhang Xiong.

Although Zhang Yun had some selfish intentions, the information was brought back by Zhang Xiong. Sending him now would not cause dissatisfaction among the other soldiers.

In this way, the three teams set off quietly, and went to the stream from three directions separately.

As for Zhang Yun, he led the remaining large troops to move forward.

When Zhang Yun's army rushed to the creek, the battle had already been settled here, and the ease of it was beyond imagination!

Those dozens of Cao Jun had lunch and were taking a nap, so they never expected so many enemy troops to appear suddenly.

They didn't react at all before they were all surrounded.

Most of these Cao troops were originally recruits, otherwise they would not have been assigned to such a task.

So their will to fight was very weak. When a rain of arrows fell, several comrades were killed by arrows.

The remaining Cao troops immediately raised their hands and surrendered.

Zhang Xiong thought that he would have to listen to the news of the enemy's checkpoints from the opponent later, so he saved the lives of these surrendered people.

Later, when he was inquiring about the news before, Zhang Xiong found out the elder who spoke from the crowd.

"General, please spare me! There is an [-]-year-old mother on the young one, and there is a baby waiting to be fed on the bottom. Please let the young one go!"

Before Zhang Xiong opened his mouth for interrogation, the other party was already crying.

However, Zhang Xiong doesn't like him.

"Who are you? Where do you belong? Say!"

The chief was terrified by the other party, and quickly revealed all his details.

Zhang Xiong listened, and the situation was roughly the same as what he had detected before.

Then he nodded without any trace, secretly thinking that this person is quite honest!

It turned out that this place was already behind Cao's army, and if he continued to move forward, he would arrive at the foot of Wushi City in two days' journey.

However, to cross the mountain and reach the city, one has to pass through an extremely steep valley, which is called Haizhaigou by the local mountain people.

Those mountains were originally a high mountain, but they seemed to be split in the middle by the gods, leaving a passage with a width of only two feet and a length of three miles.

And Cao Jun's thousand defenders set up a temporary checkpoint in Haizhaigou.

Zhang Xiongguang could already imagine the precipitous and difficult situation there after listening to the long confession.

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