Faced with such a difficult problem, Cao Cao couldn't help but feel a headache.

The head wind that had been suppressed showed signs of recurring again.

The news that Zhang Yun captured Wushi County also spread to Cao Ren's army.

When Cao Ren heard this, his expression changed drastically.

His original task was to contain Ma Chao's army. Judging from the current situation, his task was relatively successful.

However, the news of the fall of Wuzhi County in the rear shocked Cao Ren.

Because, he refused to defend Ma Chao in Yangcheng, originally to prevent the opponent from driving straight into Wuzhi County.

However, now that Wuzhi County has fallen, what's the point of his refusal?

Therefore, Cao Ren immediately summoned his subordinates to discuss countermeasures.

Everyone was equally shocked by this news.

Someone even expressed pessimistically: "Could it be that the king's army has been defeated by the opponent?

Otherwise, how to explain that the other party has already occupied Wuzhi County, they can't be soldiers from heaven! "

Not to mention, Liu Ke's planned move is really a magic weapon descended from heaven.

He keenly discovered the key node connecting Cao Cao's two armies, inserted a sharp knife, and instantly disrupted the opponent's overall plan.

Now, Cao Ren is in a dilemma.

If he continues to stand firm, it is naturally not a disobedience to Cao Cao's military order.

But if this is the case, if it is true that Cao Cao's army has already retreated, he will sit back and watch the opponent's destruction.

But if Wuzhi County was occupied by the enemy, it was just a rumor released by the other side.

Abandoning Yangcheng rashly by himself is tantamount to leading a wolf into the house.

Therefore, Cao Ren was very embarrassed and didn't know what choice to make!

In the end, for Cao Cao's safety, he made up his mind to rush to Wuzhi County to check.

Although Cao Ren now has [-] soldiers and horses in his hands, he still needs to guard against the Ma Chao army who attacks Fanxukou every day.

After these few days of consumption, there are only more than [-] people.

Therefore, just to be on the safe side, he only took out [-] soldiers and horses, led by his veteran general Chang Diao, and went to Wuzhi County to check the specific situation.

After all, the words of the deserters can't be trusted. Sometimes they will deliberately exaggerate the strength of the enemy in order to shirk their responsibilities.

For example, this time, Zhang He had only [-] soldiers and horses, but was overwhelmed by the frightened deserters' boasting, as if a [-] army was on the scene.

On the one hand, they deliberately exaggerated, and on the other hand, it was also because Zhang Yun was so powerful that the momentum he created was no small matter.

After Chang Diao took the order, he immediately counted the soldiers and horses, and rushed to Wushi County day and night.

After Zhang Yun captured Wuzhi County, he immediately sent his envoy back via the original route to deliver news to Liu Ke and the other army.

Because he only had [-] soldiers and horses, if Cao Cao fought back desperately, he wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

And his mission is only to disturb the opponent's morale, and he doesn't have the strength to fight for a long time.

Zhang He told the messengers about his current situation, and the messengers set off immediately, and returned to Qi County overnight across the mountains and mountains.

A few days later, Liu Ke, who was in the camp in Qi County, finally got the news.

"Junyi really lived up to my expectations, and now he has successfully captured Wushi County, the back road of Cao Jun!"

Liu Ke was very happy, and with a hearty voice, he handed the letter to the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs.

Everyone was also very excited when they found out.

Because if this step is completed, it will only be a matter of time before the army wins.

At the same time, regarding Zhang He's concerns, Liu Ke raised this question and asked everyone to discuss it.

Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia looked at each other, and then told the next step plan that had been discussed long ago.

"After General Zhang He captured Wuzhi County, Cao Cao was probably most anxious.

However, the minister estimated that Cao Cao's current dispatch of troops is already a disaster, so he is likely to put all his eggs in one basket and attack our army head-on.

So he probably won't take into account the loss of Wushi County, but will attack our Qi County instead. "

"Hahaha, I can't ask for more. The reason why I sent General Zhang He to take the risk this time is to force Cao Cao out of Yiju.

The famous generals under my command are like clouds, with millions of armors, how can I be afraid of Cao Cao's son! "

Liu Ke laughed out loud, not paying attention to the other party at all.

And his performance also infected the generals, and everyone also greatly increased their confidence and fighting spirit!

At this time, Zhuge Liang continued: "Your Majesty, even if Cao Cao's main force is desperate, it is impossible to shake the heavenly army.

However, in order to reduce the losses of our army, we can add another fire to him. "

"Oh? What else does Kong Ming have to say?"

Liu Ke has always loved soldiers like a son, and hearing that he has better strategies, he immediately became interested.

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