Zhuge Liang glanced at Xun Yu and handed him the opportunity.

Xun Yu continued, "Cao Cao put all his eggs in one basket, but Cao Ren, the leader of the other Cao army, did not dare to do so.

Now that Wushi County has fallen, he is worried about his lord's safety, so he must send troops to support him.

So you only need to write a letter to Meng Qi, ordering him to cooperate with General Zhang Ying to launch a strong attack on Cao Ren's defenders.

In less than half a month, Cao Ren's [-] troops in Yangcheng will be defeated.

When the time comes, Meng Qi will lead his army straight to Wushi County, go down the Jing River, and attack our army on both sides. Cao Cao will become a fish in a urn! "

Liu Ke was overjoyed when he heard the words, and he immediately arranged for the army to draft the draft, and sent it to Ma Chao's army on a starry night.

Marching on the plain, the messenger arrived at Ma Chao's barracks in less than two days.

Ma Chao opened the envelope and was overjoyed immediately. General Pang Tong was invited to discuss it.

"Hehe, Meng Qi, you are still too cautious. There is no need to discuss this! Just attack and it's over!"

After Pang Tong saw the message, he only replied with one sentence.

Originally, Ma Chao still had some concerns, but now under Pang Tong's words, he made up his mind completely.

"Command, the army will set off immediately and march towards Fanxukou." Ma Chao immediately announced loudly, and all the troops immediately moved into action.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Ma Chao's army attacked and marched towards Fanxukou, Cao Ren's five thousand troops also rushed to the outskirts of Wuzhi County under the leadership of Chang Diao.

Because Cao Ren was worried about the specific situation in Wushi County, Chang Diao didn't dare to delay and marched very quickly.

In the evening of the next day, Chang Diao's [-] troops had already arrived in Wuzhi County.

They set up camp ten miles away from the city, preparing to recharge their batteries and arrive at the city tomorrow.

And these days Zhang Xi has not been idle.

On the one hand, he sent people to strengthen the city defense, and on the other hand, he sent many scouts to listen to the surrounding news.

After all, Zhang Yun went deep alone. If he didn't do a good job in intelligence work, he would not know when he was surrounded by the enemy.

Therefore, Zhang Xi also got the news of Chang Diao's army coming at the first time.

"General, the enemy's army has just arrived, why don't we take advantage of the night to attack the enemy's camp?"

Zhang Xi's generals succeeded several times, all by stealing camps, so they have become addicted.

Such a strategy was proposed again today.

However, Zhang Yun unexpectedly refused.

Because the strategy of stealing camps could be used before, but it cannot continue to be used now.

On the one hand, it was because the opponent was only more than a hundred miles away from Yangcheng to Wuzhi County.

This distance is not enough to make the opponent tired and careless, and stealing the camp may not necessarily be a meritorious deed.

Another more important aspect is that the other party can consume it, but oneself can't afford it.

Zhang He only had these five thousand solitary troops, and he lost one of them.

The opponent's back is backed by Cao Jun's base, but he can replenish his manpower at any time.

What's the use of repelling this wave?

A bigger counterattack is bound to come again.

Therefore, all Zhang Xi's actions now revolve around one word: Shou!

Only by sticking to it until the arrival of the army can one's mission be truly completed.

Therefore, Zhang Yun rejected his subordinates' risk-taking plan, and instead sought stability in everything.

At first the sergeants didn't understand, but with Zhang Xi's explanation, they finally understood the painstaking efforts of the general.

Therefore, everyone took advantage of the last night to strengthen the city defense again in order to reduce casualties in tomorrow's battle.

In the early morning of the second day, Chang Diao's army came to the city, but the city gate was already closed.

Chang Diao rode a horse and came slowly to the place where the city was shot, and shouted to the wall: "Who is in the city? Tell me your name!"

"I am Zhang He, General of the Han Dynasty. Who are you?" Zhang He responded loudly.

When Chang Diao heard this, he couldn't help being surprised.

Because of Zhang He's name, he had already heard of it.

The opponent's combat exploits are outstanding, although they are not as good as tiger and wolf generals like Lu Bu and Dian Wei.

But among Liu Ke's generals, he is also one of the top ten.

However, although Chang Diao was shocked in his heart, he didn't show it on his face.

Instead, he threatened loudly: "I am Chang Diao, the general under the tent of the King of Wei. Why do you occupy the territory of the King of Wei? Why don't you surrender the city quickly!

Otherwise, when the army of the king of Wei arrives, they will break through the city and capture you alive! "


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