Before the two armies formally engaged in battle, they had already suffered casualties from each other.

Since Han Hao came with a military order, the battle became intense as soon as it started.

Under the cover of catapults, the ground troops rushed towards the city wall.

But just three miles away from the city, someone suddenly had his feet empty and fell into the trap that Zhang Xi had dug in advance.

Numerous sharpened wooden sticks were buried in the trap, and those who fell unfortunately were put on several sticks and lost their lives completely.

However, these traps can only play a one-time role.

After learning the lesson, Cao Jun immediately made mental preparations.

Their speed quickly slowed down, they used the spears in their hands to explore the way forward, and saw through all the other traps.

Finally broke through the trap and came to a mile outside the city!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Due to the large number of Cao Jun, the traps Zhang Yun dug during this period did not last long at all.

Except for the trap causing damage at the beginning, all the rest were destroyed by the opponent.

The potholes on the ground only slowed down the opponent's speed.

Therefore, Cao Jun quickly broke through the trap line of defense.

At this moment, a school lieutenant shouted: "Launch!"

There was only a bang, like a bowstring vibrating, but the sound was louder, far from the loud noise that ordinary bows and arrows can make.

Then he saw dozens of long arrows as tall as a person shot out in an instant, flying towards Cao Jun.

The long arrow arrived in a blink of an eye, and when it went down, it pierced through three Cao Jun in a row before finally stopping.

Without exception, Cao Jun who was penetrated was killed on the spot.

Cao Jun around saw the terrifying lethality of the long arrow, and looked at the size of the arrow, which was far beyond the ordinary, and their expressions faltered.

This is the latest weapon developed by Liu Ke, the god arm bed crossbow.

Its range can reach more than one mile, and its lethality is extremely terrifying.

Even a hard city wall can be shot into it by a foot. It is conceivable how the flesh and blood can resist it.

These craftsmen have all received Liu Ke's true biography, and they are specially used by Zhang He this time.

And before leaving, Liu Ke once said that the god arm bed crossbow is no small matter and must not fall into the hands of Cao Jun.

At the critical moment, in order to keep the secrets, these craftsmen were personally handled by Zhang Yun, and all the made god arm bed crossbows had to be destroyed.

It can also be seen from this that Liu Ke attaches great importance to the technology of this weapon.

Zhang He hadn't had a chance to see the power of the God Arm Bed Crossbow before, but when he saw it today, even he was frightened.

Every time the crossbow is opened, it even takes a horse or four or five people to winch it, but compared with its terrifying power, it is completely acceptable.

Zhang He, who has experienced many battles, understands that such a powerful bed crossbow is not simply killing a few more enemy troops.

Its deterrent effect on the enemy's psychology is even more terrifying.

Especially at this moment, Cao Jun charged intensively, and every round of salvo, hundreds of Cao Jun died under the crossbow arrows.

Those Cao Jun who were frightened were terrified.

Looking at the scene below the city, Zhang Yun couldn't help but sigh.

"Hey! The god arm bed crossbow is strong, but the manufacturing process is too complicated, and it took so many days to make only fifteen.

If thousands and hundreds of troops attack together, I am afraid that the opponent's army of one hundred thousand will collapse in an instant. "

In fact, it's not just Zhang He who has such an idea, Liu Ke also thinks the same way.

Others don't know, but Liu Ke is well aware of the power of the bed crossbow.

It is not a product of this era, even if people of this era imitate it, it will definitely not have such power.

This divine arm bed crossbow was only invented during the Northern Song Dynasty, which was nearly a thousand years ahead.

Now, even Liu Ke has only [-] units.

However, Liu Ke believes that within a year, the scene of thousands of crossbows firing at once will definitely appear, but he doesn't know which unlucky ghost will be used at that time.

The lethality of the god arm crossbow is powerful, but the number in Zhang He's hands is too small.

In addition, it takes a long time to release each time, so after only three rounds of firing, Cao Jun has already come within a hundred meters.

This distance is already within the killing range of the bow and arrow.

Therefore, the defenders who had been prepared at the head of the city launched immediately.

Countless arrows flew towards Cao Jun's head like covering the sky and covering the sun.

However, for ordinary bows and arrows, Cao Jun reacted equally quickly, holding up the shield in his hand, blocking more than half of it.

You know, these Cao troops are the elite in Cao Ren's hands.

After all, the siege this time is for a quick victory.

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